It's gonna get good. Hold on to your seats

And further… you don’t have to be an intel officer. An engineer with some code word clearance working in industry would lose those code word clearances at a minimum.

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He gave you the grounds.

Access to classified is a privilege… not a right.


Antifa, BLM

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“True Believers”.

What crime was he found guilty of? Otherwise it’s a matter for his constituents to consider in 2022 not a grounds for removal

Is that like appointing an agent for a foreign nation as National Security Advisor?

Ooh! That’s a good one! It ties in China with the libzes! Do Libzes also like soggy laptops?

Wait! There’s still people in NYC??

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Being found guilty of a crime isn’t necessary. A security clearance is a privilege, not a right.

If you are a risk you lose your clearance period.

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He wasn’t acting as an agent of a foreign power as NSA.

He wrote a favorable OP for a NATO ally before he was appointed NSA.