It's gonna get good. Hold on to your seats

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the defense rests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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No - the narrative of actual history.

Though I’m sure given enough time Trump will deny that the likes of Manafort, Flynn, Gates, etc. ever got into legal trouble over the incident.

On what grounds?

100% absolutely guaranteed positive without a shadow of a doubt… a military intel officer would be removed from his post, investigated, and forcibly retired at best or imprisoned at worst if caught ■■■■■■■ a Chinese agent.


So no ground for removal? I didn’t think so

It’s “alleged”.
So, its 100% true in the eyes of some…provided its against a Democrat.
We all know how “alleged” is viewed if its against a Trumplican.

He had a CCP honeypot that certainly got intelligence from him.

Plus he is as smart as a box of rocks.


You need the CCP to corroborate the material they got?

Doesn’t work that way.

Compromised is a done deal. You should be upset at his lack of judgement.

Even a teacher (any level college) getting fanged by a student would be dismissed.


So when the FBI investigates and makes their findings known, then we can make a valid determination. Until then, I reserve judgment. Oh, and if its determined he did do something nefarious, then he needs to be removed from Congress, and arrested and charged with crimes. I have zero issue with that.

Until then, “alleged” means that someone said something that someone else reported. Nothing confirmed, all based on “feelings”. Remember when it was “alleged” that Trump called dead soldiers ‘losers’? Remember how the first defense of Trump was y’all stating that “alleged” meant it wasn’t confirmed?

Wondering why this is diff…wait a minute. I know why.

No time to wait for the FBI.

He needs to go.

I prefer a system where some valid proof is shown before making a decision.
I hear that North Korea likes to remove people when there is “allegedly” .

He is being pulled from a high security position…NOT being jailed.

Hyperbole is more contagious than CV19.

I saw the same report title yesterday and now can’t find it. Maybe they changed the title.

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Let’s say I am speculating, Bro. We will have to wait and see. Of course if the Dims and RINOs who in that bag with pandas use their influence to bury it.

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Someone scrubbed something? Hmmmmm that is interesting. @sneakysfdude, scrubbing sometimes happen when information is released prematurely.

Doesn’t have to be nefarious.

Keep in mind Chinese form of governance is one that libs want to emulate here.

And no amount of denying will change that.


True, but the way things are going these days it may be. @SneakySFDude you know how the cancel culture is.

Cuomo is trying it out in New York, or, so it appears.

When Cuomo and his goofy NYC mayor confines everyone to their residences and only allows one family member out for two hours shopping and has enforcers man checkpoints on each block, then we will know we are there.