It's finally happened!

Trump will have to be dragged kicking and screaming fingernails clawing as we remove him from the WH

LOL youre killing me!

Donald J. Trump, mayor.

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Except that dems enact policies that I like, repubs dont.

yep. they are. Especially for the King of Socialism apprentice.

Maybe try asking if Bernie knows what it means first?

Then, see if even most of the Democrat voters agree with most of his positions.
Not just the ones that he sugar coats, and minipulates the answers about. But his true intentions.

So, you’re scared of “socialism” but can’t define it. As expected. Continue to deflect. As expected.

Bernie Sanders says that Medicare for all to replace all private insurance and health providers is not Socialism, but the Military and Police and Fire Departments are. So apparently, even avowed Socialists don’t know what Socialism is. :wink:


Why would he do that instead of supporting it’s implementation in the US?

Not really, once computers were a thing the internet was a foregone conclusion. What? You think it took a genius to realize that the communication going on inside a computer could just as easily be done over telephone lines?

You vastly underestimate the complexity of what has evolved into what we call the internet today. When you say “internet” are you referring to networks based on the OSI model? Which part was so obvious?

Computer systems shuttle data back and forth electronically, it was inevitable that would lead to transmitting data over telephone wires.

So circuit switching was the obvious answer?

Well thats a load of bull. Socialism has killed 40-70 million people worldwide.
If FAILS everywhere its tried, how do some intelligent humans still buy into the BS with the RT and RL destruction of the once most prosperous So American country Venezuela! Insanity is defined by trying the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome! There is no different outcome of Socialism except misery or worse it turns into Communism and there is no such thing as “Democratic Socialism” thats just figment of the lame & limp liberal mind! :roll_eyes:

Saying that using one word to explain everything that happened is an oversimplification is “Bull” yeah okay…

Oh they are totally bonkers, off the rails, off the charts, they’ve lost their minds! They have no morals, no ethics, no empathy, no soul and before you know it they won’t have a gender since have invented so many of them that it’s only a matter of their unraveling minds when they won’t be able to figure out if they are male or female or even if they part of the human race.

As you can tell I do have a few problems with leftist liberals. :roll_eyes:

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Obviously not. By the way packet switching was first invented by Baran working at RAND. And to underline it’s inevitability it was independently invented elsewhere by Davies. Dynamic allocation pre-dates both the internet and computers, computers made using it in telecom feasible. Telegraph and the mail both operated with dynamic allocation of resources. Of course it was manual and so unsuited to large scale communications until the computer came into existence. And it was beginning to be used in several other areas around the same time frame, see SITA, TYMNET, EIN, RCP and Cyclades

Why did it take so long for TCP/IP based, packet switched networks take so long to emerge if it was so obvious? Why not DECnet? SNA?

(Disclosure for fairness: I was involved, in a small way, in the evolution of early networking… :-))

Take so long? Well let’s see, how many computers were sitting around waiting to be networked before 1969?

Except where it works.