It's finally happened!

It’s neither, it’s simply a gov’t function to provide police and fire services under any type of system.

One of the best parts about being a Conservative is that the Liberal Socialist Politicians are so illogical, and so radically to the left that they’ve been imploding on themselves.

The Conservatives simply have to point out the truth, and the Democratic Politicians simply do the rest.

Democrats are professional excuse makers. lol. Their so called Logic is insane!

are you ok with finding someone automatically guilty without
do process?

Democrat Politicians went to far again. Betraying America’s core values.

That’s bad ***! Old school. tough, honorable. non-conforming.
I like it.

Why are you bringing up snow?

I thought the best part of being a Con was having a lying cheating dirty nasty adulterating fat loser as your Poobah and think you could claim Values

Their product is a service…expertise in and putting out fires and willingness to risk their lives doing it.

I think that is what is the biggest problem about a lot of people who vote for Democrat Politicians in general.

They are under the “delusion” that they’re voting for certain things that the Democrat Party stands for, but in reality, it’s not what they stand for at all, most of the time.

The Conservative Media should set the record straight.

One of the best parts is that America will never be a Socialist country, thanks to people like President Trump and Conservatives fighting against tyranny!

I’m not sure what’s more disappointing. That Trump supporters have no idea what “socialism” means, or that they continue to believe what Trump says. Oh well. Lost cause at this point.

Because all those Democratic voters are just waiting with baited breath for conservative media to set them straight. Got it!

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yesm, just us smelly Walmart people, not voting for Politicians that are forcing Socialism on the American People.

Democrats, and Dem Dem Politicians, and the Liberal Media are better than Trump voters in every way. lol. There is no way, that Trump voters will ever add up, or be “Equals” with Democrat voters.

We’re not worthy! We’re not worthy!

Bated. And irony.

Define “socialism.” Clear this all up.

Myself, as well as several other Conservatives have defined such things.
Ultimately it doesn’t matter, because Democrats on here don’t listen, and have
their own “Politically Correct” definitions for most things in life. Which ultimately, a huge majority of the times, is no where near the actual definition of what some thing is.

So, you have no definition to give? Just deflection. Not surprising in the least. Those big words are scary.

Talk about irony.

You know those Dems, soak up conservative media hook, line and sinker.

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