🤣👍🏼 It's About Time!

Factory meat producers (Pork, Beef, chicken) have a large, negative impact on the environment, and contributes to climate change.

Eating less meat and more veggies is healthier.

All I know is that when I cave and order from them, usually about once a month, I feel guilty for a week.

All fast food burgers are crap.

I like their fries. :slight_smile: :+1:

Depends on how much one consumes.

I go there and eat in about that often, and I always eat too much (same meal every time) :rofl:

They discontinued salads because of Covid.

Ah. So they’ll likely bring them back eventually.

And there it is folks. A lib wants to control through our very goverment what you can eat.

Now tell me this isn’t Marxism?

Good thing there weren’t any animals here before we came right? Remember how large all those herds of funny looking black cows called bison were?

Everything I don’t like is Climate Change. :wink:


Not sure. My wife worked at one temporarily after we moved recently, they didn’t give her any indication about it coming back.


Maybe you can quote the part where he says that. Read it twice, not seeing it.

There were 60 million bison when we got here, we have 94 million cows. For chickens, think passenger pigeons. 3-5 billion of them when we got here. We have 504 million chickens.

When he mention “climate change”.

Just reading about how it is a supply chain issue. That stuff will get back to normal eventually. I just don’t know how popular they were or not.

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No mention of government whatsoever or passing laws or regulations at all, nothing like what you made up.

I’m sorry…you’re not Bsing me here. Very nature of posing climate laws/regulation is Marxism. Libs are hiding behind it to impose their communist ideologue.

Just like libs hid behind liberalism to impose their authoritarianism.

Suggesting to eat less meat, and more veggies is Marxism?

Holy crap. How many times have you jumped the shark?