It's Abortion Provider APPRECIATION DAY!

Lest we forget the Tiller killing.

Then tell me, what ideolog(ies) do you belong to?

I have never got a good explanation of why so many folks on the right are antiabortion and pro death penalty.

I can’t speak for anyone else, but I am not for the death penalty in the majority of cases. I think the only exception I would agree on, that the death penalty would be okay, is 1st and possibly 2nd degree murder.

I appreciate the fact that women have the freedom and liberty to control the trajectory of their own lives, within limits.

Yes, I value women’s freedom over the fetus, for 12 weeks.

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like threatening the supreme court “peaceful?”

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too bad we cant find more who value the developing human

Did they use a sledge hammer?

Or you talking about trump saying people would pay the price?

Or more who value developing humans after they are born.

I supported my wife’s choice with our two sons. You are more than welcome to come help change my sons diapers…who is 7…who is autistic…

lol. how sad for you

too bad more people dont value the developing human

That’s a heck of a lot more peaceful than bombing, don’t you agree?

That being said, I condemned the words at the onset.

Yeah, as evidenced by the pro abortion lobby.

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how many pregnant women were murdered last year?

are we appreciating their murderers as well?

They aren’t fighting to take away any of your rights.

Oh good grief.

Nice analogy.

Pro choice lobby. Fighting for choice. Not forcing you to do anything.

The abortion “issue” should be simple.

If you don’t like abortion, don’t get one.

If somebody else wants to get an abortion, mind your own business.


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