It would be great if it happened, but I'm not counting on it

but this can’t be possible!!! nope, I don’t believe it!

Fake News and the Democratic Socialist Politicians love the working people
of America, and the Middle Class, and the Unions right?

They always watch out for them, and would never do anything to ruin that
trust with them. Right?

I mean, it’s not like Obamacare forced anything on Americans. lol.
We all know how that worked out. :wink:

Union thugs…ugh. its just so dumb

Well thank you for admitting right to work states are about lower wages…

I’m in a union…I like my free insurance and higher wages…I’ve been in non union shops as well…lower wages…same ■■■■■■■■ though…and horrendous insurance…like cheapest you can have…

People in non-union jobs get health care and retirement benefits.

“Representation” and “organization” are nebulous terms.

If you could show that you wouldn’t otherwise have health care and retirement benefits if you weren’t unionized, you would have a valid point. But I doubt you could.

What do you call people who target the company doing the very best . . . negotiate a contract with them . . . . then head out to the companies not doing as well, and say . . . here is the starting point for negotiations . . . . .

Some people in non-union jobs get health care and retirement benefits. I haven’t met any people with union jobs without health care and retirement benefits.

People who dont to watch people be used and want them to make more money?

People who are anti union tend to be cheap.

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Why not start with the weakest company and negotiate a contract that will keep them in business. THEN use that as the starting point with stronger companies. You know tell them "hey, the company with the least profatability can do this. Your bottom line is much better . . . . " Why the other way around? Why would you go to a weaker company and say, here’s what your best competitor can do for us, match it.

I didn’t have health insurance or retirement benefits in my industry until I joined a Union.

I also have an organization that can help if there is any conflict between the contract and the production.

Well worth the dues.

My Union has different contracts depending on the amount of money a production has. We just rectified HBO getting a sweetheart labor deal because the original contract was written long before the Game of Thrones era. The Sopranos was done with pretty cheap union labor until the third season when the rates came to par with what the major networks pay. That disparity no longer exists.

Low budget features get a good deal on labor and serve as an incubator for younger union members to learn the craft.

The current digital media contract is garbage and I have to negotiate above every time it comes to the table.

So… what you are talking about does happen.

Because it’s pro choice.

Dude, slow down. Luckily they voted down representation? I can guarantee you everyone that did was never in a union. They just believed the horse crap fed to them. Let’s face it, most dime a dozen workers aren’t very bright. I get paid $32.55 an hour for the roadway I work for. Most similar non union jobs go anywhere between 15 an hour to 25 an hour at best. I also get 4 weeks vacation, 3 weeks sick and multiple personal days after a short time of employment. Non union counterparts don’t even come close to this. This, all for 11 bucks a week. I’m not even getting into representation for other stuff.

Are these non union employees lucky they chose non union? I can go on. We can get into the difference between UPS and Fed Ex if you like. We can get into Verizon non union VS union as well. The pay isn’t remotely close. Non union is always company friendly. It is very rare that any rank and file worker is better off with non union over union. Almost non existent.

So what your saying is: you get paid twice as much for doing the same job that a “not too bright dime a dozen worker” gets paid for doing.

I don’t think that’s an argument in favor.

Not an argument in favor of what? Who are we arguing in favor of, the business or the employee? If you’re saying my argument is not in favor of the business then you’d be right. But as far as the employee goes, no way they are better off without a union.


I make the majority of my money by selling my labor.

If I can band together with my fellow laborers to extract as much as we can for ourselves in the market then more the better.

I don’t know why anyone who sells their labor for a living wouldn’t want to do that.

Why doesn’t Walmart pay their workers a fair wage and stop using welfare to subsides their workforce so they can increase profits…

because its about making money not making friends.
union are looking out for workers not employers.
employers are looking out for shareholders not workers.

I know companies that will hire people for 25$ an hour and dose them with 5 years worth of radiation in a year then fire them because they can no longer legally work in the plant. Because union workers wont take dose for no reason.


Why didn’t Walmart employees prepare themselves for a career rather than a job? Low skills will always equal low wages. If not, there would be no incentive to obtain skills.

“Maximize Shareholder Value” are the three most destructive for the worker ever uttered.

so your okay with your money subsides Walmart workforce so their shareholders can make more money.

That is what Welfare was intended to be used as right?

That’s where unions come in. A rank and file employee will want to band together for higher wages. Someone who’s skillset commands a higher wage would not want to join a union. Both are valid options to maximize your earning potential.

Why do you think Walmart or Amazon will fire you on the spot if you’re caught talking to a union member? For your benefit?