It would be great if it happened, but I'm not counting on it

I’m that cool collected voice that says “9-1-1 what’s the address of your emergency”

I’m not necessarily pro union. Nor am I anti-union. I am, however, a big fan of freedom of association. What I don’t understand is why people cry foul re: freedom of association when they freely chose to work a union job. Don’t like union dues? Don’t apply for a union job.


Well that sounds good in Presidents Trumps economy with available jobs galore, but not so much during the last Administration since you were lucky to have a Union or non Union job at all.

I could agree with this IF the union owned the business doing the employing.

But since unions don’t actually own the business the whole “don’t apply for a union job” bit is a bit misleading.

They are not union jobs.

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Does the employer not contract with the union? Does the employer have no freedom to associate with union labor vs. non-union labor?

If an employer chooses to contract workers through the union, as is an employer’s right, then those jobs become union jobs. So, we’re back to square one. Don’t like union jobs? Don’t apply for one. It’s really that simple.


Example. Say the local garbabge men here in town voted to be represented by the teamsters. Company can’t stop the workers from voting. Then if they vote to be a part of the teamsters, the Company can not fire them, and MUST negotiate with the Union on their behalf. Luckily our local trash men saw the light and voted down representation. When they say how much would immediatly be taken from their checks in “dues” with no guarantee that their wages would be increased enough to cover even that.

Now say they did vote and had union rep. If Utah was not a right to work state – the only way you could gain employment as a trash man would be to sign up and join the union.

Now let that sink in – many unions are trying to organize fast food workers. Imagine your in a non right to work state, in high school and want to work at the local fast food place for a little spendin’ cash and suddenly you have to join the union to do so . . .

My dues are well worth the representation, health care, pension, organization.

I guess some people cant see the forest for the trees.

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sure they can Walmart does this all the time.

Not in the US.

I know there was one Walmart where employee’s voted to unionize. Wally world ended up closing the location. Union filed a lawsuit saying it was only closed becuase it’s members unionized. Union lost the cast because the company could show the location was losing money and had other issues.

For the most part, just because a group of workers vote to unionize in the United States, the workers can’t be fired or the business closed just for that fact. Now if they uninize and costs increase and they need to lay off workers, that can be done.

Unions are cool.

Unions use to take care of the worker, now they take care of Politicians with union workers dues.

They keep getting me a pay raise, so I can’t complain.

My pay has consistently gone up over the past ten years I have been in a Union.

I am also allowed to negotiate overscale outside of the contract.

Amazing how American workers have only done worse as unions have been weakened, huh?


God forbid the unions lobby to attempt to improve the pay and benefits awarded to their members. You think employers never lobby politicians?

Just so they can take more and give it to politicians. A vicious cycle some Democrats profit from and then turn around and ignore the immigration crises.

The horror!

Wait…what would happen besides making more money?

Everyone I know in a union is doing fine. Outside? Not so much.

Part of the haves and have nots in the new economy. It’s a different world out there now.

The right have become social justice warriors LOL.