It Seems Campaign Promises Could Have Consequences

All of them but she is not getting my vote because she is a policy wonk

I like Pete and yes he is trying to tax the rich as well.

It’s unfortunate that you don’t see what it has to do with anything.


You asked why anyone would vote for someone promising higher taxes. The answer is that to many people, there are more important issues than tax rate.

It depends on what the government does with the money, of course.

I did. It is but one example I don’t seem to be able to get you past. You’re resisting and you’re feet are stuck. Perhaps you could name one to you?

Does it? Like what? What is the government going to do with more of your money that is in your best interest that you can’t do for yourself?

I’m not even sure what you mean by “visions.” “Something seen in a dream, trance, or ecstasy” per the dictionary. Is that where you think Warren gets her ideas? Or do you mean, “the act or power of imagination”?

What do you think I mean?

I don’t know what you mean by this. Name one what?

In my view, defending the country and maintaining social security are two vital functions of the federal government that I certainly can’t take care of myself. We spend way more than any other country on the military, which is fine with me as long as a vital program such as social security is also paid for. Republicans say social security is in trouble, we should spend more on the military, and we should also lower taxes. That doesn’t make sense to me.

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Dreams for a better America? (You could just spit it out instead of making me guess.) All presidents have grand visions for the future of the country that almost always run into the cold, hard wall of reality once they take office.

Then you aren’t paying attention.

The government isn’t maintaining social security, you and I are. Are you getting interest on that money?

You’re paying enough for defense already.

You know what I mean. We pay, government holds the money, disburses the money, sets the tax rate, etc.

No! Which is all the more reason to make sure social security is healthy so I can get my money back someday. Or at least some portion of it.

Do Republicans believe that? They seem to think I should pay more for defense and less for everything else.

I could have, but I didn’t. You shouldn’t assume.

Which vision do you share?

Of Warren’s? Many. I also share many of Trump’s hopes for a strong, vital, rich country. The differences lie in how we get there.

What you mean is irrelevant, what I said is a fact. You need somebody to do that for you why? “Sets the tax rate”? Where look where we ended up.

Would it not be in your better interest to put that money in a savings account and draw .02% interest?

Probably not, I don’t speak for them. I say we are.

How do these sentences make sense to you? You won’t tell me what you mean, and I shouldn’t assume what you mean. Where does that leave me when attempting to interpret your posts?

What do you share about Warren’s vision that’s in your best interest?

Don’t try to interpret. You have the context. You understand politics.

I don’t need someone to do that for me. I’m a good saver. But I’ve been paying into social security since I was 15 years old, and I want to get some of that money back someday.

If I could have done that starting at age 15 instead of paying into social security all along, yes.

There’s no other way to converse, especially in this format where I can’t read your body language. English is a complicated language and is easily misinterpreted. Sometimes I need to ask for clarification.

I agree, we have to be weaned off the teat, not all at once.

Which of them shares that vision?

Do you see what they have done?

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Of course there is. English is not complicated, bias and motivated reasoning are. Then ask before you assume.