It is going to be a lovely day (NOT!) in Houston today

The storm has come ashore, lots of power out and street flooding. I live about 85 miles from the coast, so no heavy rain yet, but the Eye is supposed to pass over us in about 6-7 hours.


Hopefully the storm underperforms and damage is minimal.

Please keep us posted!

I’m on a group PM with the staff where I work. Most of them live in central or South Houston. A lot of them have no power right now. This thing is only a weak Cat 1, but we have had some good rain the last couple of days down by the coast. The ground down there is pretty well saturated.


It is always impressive how crews from other states convoy to storm impact areas to help get the power back on. Unsung heroes they are.

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Yeah, we get a lot of crews from out of state. I think they stage in Northern Texas this time of year.

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Just heard the first wind band and saw the rain pick up with the gust.

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Stay Safe. Keep us posted.

I’ve lost count how many of these things I have been through. Prep is always pretty much the same. Generator fueled, test run and staged with extension cords. Grill set with a full tank of propane. 25 gallons of gasoline in cans and both cars topped off Nothing that can take off in the wind out in the yard. 4 cases of bottled water. Just another Hurricane season on the Gulf Coast.


If you didn’t get any footage of yourself headbanging in the rain, this isn’t even exciting. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yup. We had a whole house generator installed. It’s way too hot to just deal with fans for a week or so.

I just ordered 100 sandbags and we’ll have sand delivered in the next week or so. That is one thing I’ve not done in the past.

I changed to Starlink so I’ll have internet (last hurricane, we lost internet and cell service for about 6 weeks).


Wind is going pretty good now. My son watched a large pine tree go down about 100 yards from the house, across the road. We are in a new house, so no tall trees actually near any of the houses. Power is still on, though an older neighborhood about 2 miles away is now without power.


It’s rough but those are that best cigarettes you’ll ever have as a smoker for some weird reason.

Smokers are some of the most dedicated people on the planet.

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That’s not even a lie.

“I may get smacked in the head by debris, but by God I’m smoking this menthol.”

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Stay safe :purple_heart:

sorry about my suv and all this global war…. i mean, climate change.

Until they’re asked to pay a toll. Then they let you know about their hero status.


Spent the last 11 hours without power and my generator didn’t want to start, even though I tested it yesterday. Had to take the carb apart and flush it with carb cleaner. All good now.


The storm is long gone, sky was blue and clear heading into sunset. But lots of trees down and a whole lot of people without power.


This is good news! Amazing. I love that blue sky clearing in after a day of heavy storm.

Good luck and prayers :pray: for everyone there, speedy cleanup and all get the help they need :dove: