It has to be hard to swallow

You realize other people can see what we wrote right?

It was a lame strawman that burst info flames the moment you made the claim.

Orange man good

That’s the other thread.

Not reality.

If people don’t have a desire to change their circumstances then they will stay as they are. Not even hundreds of government freebie programs can change that.

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Actually they can. The more comfortable you make people in poverty with freebies the less incentive there is to ever do anything for themselves.

The bottom third of any population will do the bare minimum necessary to have basic necessities and minimal comforts.

That’s right it’s all about desire. Like i said bootstraps are fun.

Now let’s talk about manufacturing jobs automation re training and the forgotten man

There are more jobs today in the US than any time in prior history.

Yeah that poverty is totes comfy. What with the trailer, the collapsing ceiling in public housing, the terrible food, the obesity. Yeah comfy.

In before personal responsibility.

No ■■■■■ ?

Do people on government assistance work?

Basic comforts are anything above essentials like food, water, and shelter.

Some do, many don’t.

Some do some don’t. The system is a problem. The fraud is a problem. The existence of the system is not a problem.

Being on the dole doesn’t preclude contribution.

That’s true but they keep making really cheap TVs. That flatscreen doesn’t cost 5000 anymore. Or 500 even.

Can we please stop subsidizing private entities by providing their staff with governmental assistance? Is that possible?

Yes, dependence breeds apathy, which worsens peoples condition. That is definitely a change. I was referring to changing for the better of course. But this doesn’t register with libs… Or, maybe it DOES… :thinking:.

Nah… they’d NEVER deliberately create a nation of apathetic dependents because they’re so humble and compassionate and just hate having power over people’s lives…

If your net taxable income is a negative number what are you contributing other than more mouths to feed?

They don’t really become apathetic, they just become greedier and greedier as they are given more.

Well, with an endless supply of other people’s money, why not?? Never seems to lift anyone out of poverty though.