Israel at War - Hamas Attacks


Looks like bill is out in left field.

Palestinians are not indigenous to Gaza.


Biden has certainly been pushing the LGBT agenda. That has little to do with the Gaza war.

The recent ICJ plans for an arrest warrant for Netanyahu and the recognition of Palestine by three countries in western Europe point to apparently contradictory policies from DC. The ICJ and the European governments could not take that action without at least tacit approval from DC. At the same time, the White House desperately wants to keep campaign funds flowing from pro-Israel lobbies.

The solution to the dilemma appears to be to use the ICJ and allies in Europe to force an end to the war in Gaza so it is no longer a big campaign issue, while Biden still claims to support Israel 100%. Biden can also use claims of anti-Semitism to silence critics with the support of pro-Israel Republicans.

Political expedience rules in DC.

More irrelevant facts (if indeed they are facts.) When are you going quit playing and join this discussion?

Hell they weren’t even indigenous to Mandatory Palestine as a whole. The place was mostly sparsely populated throughout its history. Ironically the mass coming of Arabs to the region was after 1920 when the Jews started arriving back there in force because they made that ■■■■ hole livable.



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It was nothing more then a place where people passed through going one point to another.


So now we’re finding out that this Hamas propaganda wasn’t true. The media “corrections” will be buried and minimal.

Original story:

Now we’re starting to find out that the fire was actually caused by the ignition of weapons caches that Hamas stored among the civilians.


That can’t be true. Progressives told us that Hamas were “freedom fighters” who would never put their own civilians in danger.


Egyptian and Israeli forces have exchanged fire along Egypt’s border with Gaza. Israel has taken over a strip along the border believed to hold multiple smuggling tunnels between the Egyptian Sini and Gaza. Now Egypt is warning Israel that it will respond with military force if threatened.

Oh boy that’s not good. Egypt alleged that Israel violated the terms of the 1979 Camp David Agreement.

Last thing the IDF or the Egyptian militaries need is to be at war with each other. The IDF has its hands full with Hamas and Egypt is still rebuilding after the 2011 revolution tore its military into a few different pieces.

No way! :rofl:

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Biden lied about ceasefire.

This ■■■■■■ needs to go.

Confirmed: Biden Lied About Israeli ‘Proposal’; Right-wing Ministers Threaten to Quit

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BiBi should return the favor and take out an add politely declining and thanking Biden for his proposal to interfere in Israeli politics and save Hamas explaining that he’s looked at different proposals and he likes Trump’s proposal better and will accept that next year, after Hamas is destroyed and Trump is President.


This is horrible.

Biden can’t be trusted.

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Throughout OBidens political career he has demonstrated again and again he can’t be trusted.
Suckers just can’t help themselves. Netanyahu doesn’t trust or care for Blockhead Biden. I Hope Netanyahu continues to slaughter Ham-ass butchers and telling assclown Biden to go ■■■■ himself.


How many leftists in this thread insisted that the protesters were just a “small group?” Apparently, they have so much influence in the Democratic Party that they successfully convinced Biden to keep Hamas in power. Why should our tax dollars be used to “rebuild” the terror enclave of Gaza?


Biden lied about Israel official wartime policy to the entire world to give aid and comfort to their attackers.


Looks like you got your wish. Peace is being given a chance ?

once again, Israel stopped by the US from successfully prosecuting a war

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