Is your governor a nitwit too?

If it’s okay with you, I’ll not reveal who my governor is. But no, not a nitwit. We are open again.

Too bad. Being open is not part of the narrative.

Okay, my governor is not doing what is in the OP. So no, not a nit wit.

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I can’t stand him either.

Ok not a nitwit. Good

Does he force vaccinated people to mask up?

Nope. The only places pushing masks now are businesses

[quote=“Supreme_War_Pig, post:50, topic:239086, full:true”]

Then I agree. Based on this, your governor is exercising common sense. Mine’s a nitwit,

I love this! One school district is simply telling the governor to take a hike.

Ohio school district votes to make masks optional (

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Thinking of putting these not yet approved drugs in the arms of children is insane.


It’s not. Most of the ingredients have been used before. For years. One new ingredient is a monkey cold virus. I have yet to hear of anyone getting the monkey cold from their shot.

I would just say that people should stop turning to internet trolls for medical advice and start listening to their doctors.

Sorry, kids aren’t at high enough risk to warrant the risk of a not fully tested novel vaccine. In my opinion. If mine were small still it would be a no thank you.


It’s been fully tested. Hundreds of millions of people have taken it. That’s a pretty freaking good sample size. The kids will be fine. Just like everyone else.

Or read the Bible.

“…and start listening to their doctors.”

I don’t trust the medical establishment as far as i can throw it. There’s a leftist feminist agenda in certain fields—particularly obstetrics and pediatrics.

Am also sick and tired of having my and my family’s healthcare decisions being coerced by a perverse desire to prevent problems that take place in a numerical minority of patients. For example, all babies born in Massachusetts are tested for sickle cell trait when black men & women make up only about 7% of the Commonwealth’s population.

Cystic fibrosis testing is a standard test on all pregnant women when Caucasians are most likely to carry this trait.

My pediatrician has tried several times to get my consent for HPV vaccination for my daughter—since she was 12–when most pap results don’t include HPV+ histories and the majority that do, the infection runs it course naturally:

I’ll take the internet trolls, thank you.

Yes, my governor is a nitwit.