Is Trump right to criticize Fox News for Dem town halls?

I agree, I think that they are seeing their once former niche of being the “counter to the MSM” devolve into simply being the President’s mouthpiece. And that’s a terrible look.

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Without firing a bullet.

Some, like the ones in Charlottesville, are much worse.

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They know it has to happen from the inside and now they’ve put together a team of volunteers that think Trump is the victim.

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I think they’re enjoying the ride. It’s not hurting their ratings.

Yeah he’s approachable if you’re a Saudi or Russian oligarch.

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Seeing someone drool over a politician is funny. I don’t feel any sympathy for the people this man has conned.

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No, I don’t think it’s a good idea to criticise Fox for giving both sides the opportunity to voice their policies and their justifications for those policies. They are, after all, fair and balanced, if one takes into account the content of their 24 hour programming.

I suspect Trump doesn’t think so either, and was just trolling. The left will perhaps argue that he wants to shut them off from their free speech rights, and thereby condemn themselves for their approach of blocking the conservative side from having their say on leftist media sites…

No, he’s trying to bully Fox News into making the entire network into state TV.


I was an adult and lived through the OJ thing and I didn’t see people getting this excited about OJ’s verdict or see them defend him this much.

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The mafia would do the same thing if they could and probably have in other countries.

What a child. It’s rather sad to see Trump acting like a 5 year old. I feel sorry for our country. It’s completely standard for news and opinion networks to have debates and town halls with presidential candiadates on either side. They do it to inform the public and get ratings. While it’s true that early front runners generally win the nomination, we all too often see the runner-ups start at the bottom and gradually work their way up. Nobody knows who is going to emerge as the challenger to the two front runners - Sanders and Biden. It could very well be Buttigieg or Harris or Warren or somebody else.

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Oh for ■■■■■ sake. So now Trump is trolling and at the same time back to playing some sort of 3D chess game.

Who in their right mind would be okay with any President Republican or Democrat trolling ?

Conservatives were the same people that went apoplectic about Obama wearing a tan suit yet somehow Trump trolling is acceptable.

I want to hold my elected officials to a higher standard. And yes if A democrat was doing this I would be just as critical.


It would be kind of funny if Trump ticked off the wrong person over at Fox and they end up turning on him. I’d love to see that show.

Same tired old Trump hating rhetoric. I see that you just can’t help yourself. Its all you’ve got.

An average joe with gold plated toilets and a million dollar salary when he was 6 years old.

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So you don’t like Trump haters. Does that make you a Trump lover?

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Average Joe has a gold toilet, right?

So, instead of spouting off the same “Trump-hating rhetoric” line, why not discuss what elitist Donald Trump has in common with “Average Joe”?

How can we, as average Americans, relate to Trump?

Don’t even begin to tell me you could relate to…Hillary? That’s ■■■■■■■ scary. :sunglasses: