Is Trump Our Worst President Ever?

Absolutely not…

The Trump Administration actually has a pretty solid record of accomplishment for those not blinded by liberalism.

Drip Drip Drip …right? Its been 4 years.

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Not wrong though, considering…

From A Liberal’s Case for Conservatives in History Departments

According to research cited in Jon Shields and Joshua Dunn’s book Passing on the Right, only around 4-8 percent of professional historians are registered Republicans.1

So, odds are any ranking done by historians will be less than even handed.

Should Trump go to jail after he leaves office?

No he’s not. Trump did the same thing to Biden. That’s in addition to calling for the arrests of his predecessor and first opponent

If he’s found guilty of something that requires a jail sentence absolutely. Im sure there’s more than a pretty good chance that he’s committed tax evasion and bank fraud.

And just like that, the high ground is lost. The people chanting lock her up are also fairly certain Hillary broke the law.

No. Only Republican politicians should seek retribution

A very good chance at that.

How do you figure? Is he being investigated fir that by the State of New York right now?

And his 120 indictments, a dozen guilty pleas, and 7 jail terms.
We were seeing indictments after months.

So 1 year after launch a investigation on a “false premise” and we had indictments but 1 year into the “obvious” illegal act we got nothing??


Yeah…let’s have an investigation…and have the scope be…anything you can find? Oh, wait…“we” already did. :sunglasses:

Bill Clinton and the Whitewater investigation approve that message…

So does Monica…amirite? :sunglasses:

Durham does not appreciate that. He tried his hardest

You send a ex President to Jail you are going to make all future Presidents do whatever they can to stay in power

I support giving Trump a blanket Pardon like Nixon got
HOWEVER- I do support investigations and Jail for ANY appointee who commited illegal acts while in that role!

If government officials did illegal acts against the American people, even if acting in the interest of the President, the should be prosecuted to prevent it happening again.

for what?

It is being investigated.

If the President loses, he loses all the arguments that are protecting him right now.

What we already do know is pretty bad.

that will put a lot of obama officials in jail. likely including your current nominee

Trump is one of the best ever. Certainly the best of my lifetime which goes back to 1953.

I would rate Carter and Obama the worst of my lifetime.