Is this the REAL threat to free speech?

So you do believe in censorship.

All libs believe in censorship?

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I know. Especially since you just made that up. Two liberals have mentioned the fairness doctrine. Zero conservatives. Am I right? Can you name the conservatives who have asked for this? If not, you might need to take a long look in the mirror.

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Yep. Every single one.

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Agreed. If they were for free speech, why would they vote for people who want to suppress it?

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You’re asking for equal time for both viewpoints among private companies. That’s what the fairness doctrine was. If you don’t realize that, that doesn’t change anything.

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Op. Welcome back! Glad you decided to return.

To answer your question, it is not a threat to free speech because it’s not being done by the government. HTH!

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Is that what CNN, NBC, CBS,MSNBC been doing? Should they be censored for their lies against American people by pushing one of biggest scams in American history with great Russian hoax?

We all “get it”. Only libs are allowed to lie and make ■■■■ up.

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Just another thing you’ve abandoned your “principled” position on because it’s now convenient for you politically.

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Then just call it suppression if you prefer. The government doesn’t control communications or access to news.

We are all aware of the left’s obsession with shutting down all non conformists thinking on campus. Using violence, threats and intimidation if necessity. This could even be worse. Google and YouTube have taken down over 300 Trump ads with no explanations offered. Is this a government action? No it isn’t. But the government is not the master of the universe when it comes to speech anymore. It’s the communication giants. They alone decide what you get too see. And if doesn’t pass the political test of the tech Gods, there is a good chance that the fascist masters will not allow it to be shown. This is some seriously evil ■■■■ going on.

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Sorry…libs have abandoned their position long time ago.

In fact I will go as far to say libs never really believed in freedom of speech and other liberties they claim to care. They just used it as talking point to jam their social authoritarianism down American people throats.

It’s why I call em libs. Authoritarians pretending to be liberal. We see it here everyday.

So now go ahead and make it personal Tommy. It’s all you have left.

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Wait! Are you saying you would rather discuss the flaws of Altair than the censorship of Google? Damn! I must be as interesting as I am handsome.:muscle: So please, do go on.:man_shrugging:

I wasn’t even talking to you but yeah, you were also psychotically angry about the idea of Obama imposing what you now want Trump to impose and the Obama thing would’ve only covered broadcast and network TV and didn’t even exist.

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Psychotic too? I’m just a very, very bad man.:joy: Got anything else? :hugs:

I want those that are reading this thread to observe these fake liberals here…they’re all justifying censorship and will use any means necessary.

And thy want to try to convince everyone that they’re liberal.

That’s not a denial. You were super heated up about the idea of a Fairness Doctrine the whole Obama admin. Now you’re for something even bigger along the same exact lines.

If you don’t believe that, deny it.

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Sounds a lot like you’re anti-property rights now. Am I reading this correctly? That you’re suggesting private entities be compelled to allow others to profit from their platform?

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Bro, what’s up with the broadbrushing?

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Have you heard of the Sinclair Broadcasting Group?

Do you know who they are and what they do?

Maybe you remember this? Maybe you don’t?

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Your opinion is noted since that’s all this thread is.

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