Is this the REAL threat to free speech?

Because it’s my First Amendment right to spout off fact-free diatribes and force media companies to distribute my diatribes all over the globe.

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It’s become clearer that libs actually believe in censorship.

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You asked my opinion and you got it. Since I have zero chance to get you to agree, I will not attempt to do so. My primary objective was to publicize this outrage. I give myself an “A” for that.

The conservative worldview dominates America. Has for 30 years.

Even non-conservative media is cast within the conservative worldview.

Conservatism has probably never had a more powerful voice than it does today.

But they’re being discriminated against.



Sure it is, you just need a boatload of them.

You need more than that.

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They? You aren’t a conservative?

Good God. I feel sorry for her district. A corrupt, lying, hateful politician who should be removed from office running against a total moron. :face_vomiting:

Like what?


But it does look like cons want to bring back a Fairness Doctrine. And certainly want to use the implied threat (ie explaining to Congress) of government intervention to insist their voices are heard wherever they want, including private media entities.

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Where did you come up with this malarkey? Do you know what percentage of the media voted for Hillary?

Facts remain…libs believe in censorship. And will use any mean necessary to justify it.

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Not as they are defined today.

I am a socially left leaning libertarian to the degree I can be categorized.

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What do you mean by “looks like?” Which con? Got any names? I have not heard this suggested by anyone.

By paying attention.

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So you believe that anyone has the right to say anything on any media platform?

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I believe that political ads should not be removed because somebody doesn’t like the candidate.

Unfortunately lies have consequences. Nothing like watching conservative complain about how they need a Fairness Doctrine.

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Watching the Tories under Boris Johnson try to use all these tactics is fascinating, watching it from the peanut gallery.