Is this really the tax plan that you want?

We are paying for it already.

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The first step in tackling a debt is reducing your deficits.

I like expensive vacations. Europe, Alaska, next year is Hawaii. I have a highly stressful job. That requires a high degree of skill. I earned these vacations. I’m not interested in the democrats taxing me out of my prosperity. Not one bit interested.

Yea, if we have single payer you won’t be able to take a vacation.

+1 for creativity


News flash.Preventative care what a bunch of hog wash.
The natives who live on the reservation have their health care 100% provided. Most of these same people do not go to the doctor to get insulin treatment or any other preventative treatment. Most still end up in the ER for expensive care.
And the tribe keeps cutting what they can get care for year after year. Know why because the money will only pay for so much. So when the tribe says sorry but we don’t have the money to pay for your knee replacement surgery you will just have to manage the pain you have no choice but to sit home in pain. And I know what I say because I am a member of the tribe.
So is this what you want to have? Do you want the government to be like the tribe and make the decision that you aren’t worth treatment because the cost is to much?

I wouldn’t go on vacation to Hawaii. It would be too humid for me there.

No “they” didn’t.

Clinton was forced kicking and screaming into that deal. Crediting it to him is blatantly dishonest.

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Apparently the same author wrote another article on Joe Biden’s plan and thinks its the better option than medicare for all.

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The deficit trend stayed consistent Clinton’s entire term. GOP just wants to take credit for the end of it just like they do with Obama

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I never said anything close to this.

-1 for integrity.

BTW. You can choose to remain confused as to my concerns or you can ask and know for sure.

Not wrong. Congress shut the government down because Clinton refused their budget.

Might want to actually read up on things.

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The charts / data show the deficit reduction teend was consistent his entire term.

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Aint it funny how that chart shows all the republican presidents messing it up

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Yup. And let’s color that chart by who held the house. You know…the chamber that sets the budget.

Go ahead.

Yes you did

Europeans never go on holiday.

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The GOP owned the house for 75% of Obama’s presidency. I guess they are responsible for 75% of his debt. Lets not get into trumps 1st 2 years.

I see youre still ignoring that the deficit reduction trend was the same clintons entire term

Are we arguing which party sucks the least or that the dems are good and the republicans bad?

I have a purity test to see if people are independent thinkers or hopelessly blinded by politics.
Anyone who believes that their own party has done a good job regarding the national debt, fails. Bigly :man_shrugging:

Put me down for they both suck.

The charts and data show that the national debt clock has been spinning out of control for decades. WITHOUT INTERUPTION So the charts and data conclude that both parties suck. :rofl: