Is this ok for children?

i am no way biased i just look at the stories and base it on the logic that the boomers applied to the Greeta lady stating she was being “manipulated” i applied the same “logic” to this case and the parallels are scary. The Loony left are using her for their purposes the same as the boomer red hat Luddites are using this poor lad.

Tell us another good one.

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You’ve met the young lady? You know her family? Of course you don’t. In fact, you don’t know anything about her. All you know is what Fox News and the CEC have told you. What you stated above is nothing more than your politically biased opinion. And you know what they say about opinions…

No, what I know about them is from the articles I’ve read.

“You don’t know” what I know much less my sources of information.