Is this more influence peddling by the Biden's?

They were painted by a very famous person, so they’re worth a lot more than the same painting done by you or me. Once someone is willing to spend a stupid amount of money on a piece of art or memorabilia, it automatically gains value and can sell for more in the future. Often based on infamy alone.

Emoluments by proxy.

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How are you going to compare and check to make sure there is no funny business if you make sure you can never see who the donors are?

This admin has made sure no one can check anything to verify.

And y’all are OK with it.

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It’s a private business venture having nothing to do with the Whitehouse. Just because someone makes a stupid accusation doesn’t mean there’s any fact or evidence behind it.

Because there is no way to check and verify and the admin has made sure of it.

And again y’all OK with it. Until it’s not a dem in office.

After all the ■■■■ that H Biden has been allowed to get away with, the guns laws anyone else would be paying for etc. you except this to finally be on the up and up and everyone should accept that?


Well of course, because no one can verify what is actually happening.

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“Very famous person”? Are you kidding me? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Infamous is more like it.

Famous doesn’t mean good or respected. Eric Trump is very famous. Chelsea Clinton is very famous. Sasha and Malia Obama are very famous.

First of all, they are buyers, not donors.

And are we going to say that adult, working children of presidents need to come under extra scrutiny?

The word you to describe Hunter is infamous. Everything he has ever done in his adult life is questionable.

Oh … and Eric, Chelsea, Sasha and Malia are not even famous let alone very famous. Your bar is bar is set way too low.


You can’t verify if there is any influence going on because they have made sure you can’t trace anything.

That alone is a red flag.

Well, for most people. Apparently not Biden supporters.


Not famous yet you, me, and everyone else at this forum know who they all are. Is well known a better way to describe them?

Mike Trout has been the best baseball player for the past ten years. I guarantee more people would be able recognize Sasha and Malia than him.

That’s not what makes a person famous.

Of all the things to argue about, you choose to argue about the definition of “famous.” Okay, you don’t think Hunter Biden is famous. Well others do, so my orginal point stands. You know there are English language forum where you can argue such things.

Being famous is to be widely recognized for your accomplishments. Biden Hunter is recognized for his notoriety. He is notorious for his drug use and shady deals. in other words, he is infamous, not famous.


Here’s another example of how ridiculous art and memorabilia prices have gotten in past year or so. Not saying that anything shady isn’t happening with this or Hunter Biden. But personally I would rather spend more on a Hunter Biden than a N64 game I couldn’t play.

his dad is President thus making him “Famous” in the eyes of the American public.
Its the same way Don Jr who is only “Famous” because of his dad.

What prestigious art schools did young Biden attend or is he just naturally gRifted?


Nope. He has no noteworthy accomplishments of his own except for his drug use and a couple of influence peddling, no qualifications whatsoever, jobs for foreign companies. The word for him is infamous, not famous.

Don Jr. is not particularly famous either.


His gift suddenly showed up when his loving Dad, who would do anything for his troubled Son, became President. :wink:

Should buyers of this art be able to remain anonymous? According to the Washington Post, the WH cut a deal allowing this? Does anyone here think that’s honest, above board and along the lines of integrity “we” expect from anyone in the WH?