Is this immoral or just insulting?

Universal health care means exactly that universal health care with no regard to one’s socio-economic circumstance.

Oh from that standpoint, you’re right. If you want a better plan, pay extra out of your own pocket.

I don’t have any work. I’m not running for office. But I have not heard a single candidate promise to let us have the exact same plan that they have. Have you?

And it’s the same for everybody. No special super-sized plan for government workers and politicians. They deserve nothing better than what they have planned for us.

I wish there was a candidate who was willing to do this. But there is not.

You see, I don’t think you’ve actually looked into it. It took me literally 30 seconds to pull up Sander’s Medicare For All bill [1] and find that the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program will no longer exist:

(b) Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.—No benefits shall be made available under chapter 89 of title 5, United States Code, for any part of a coverage period occurring on or after the effective date.

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Given your concerns, my suggestion would be to contact all the candidates and let them know of your concerns.

I’m in favor of that, But He’s not going to be the nominee. And congress will never, ever vote to reduce their benefits. Ever. So the problem still exists. Thanks for researching this.

Which candidates have suggested a “Medicare for all” plan that would give federal employees a better health plan than anyone else?

Their plan is already better than Medicare. People on Medicare often seek supplemental insurance to cover what Medicare does not. I don’t think government workers face this problem.

Can you point to a competing Medicare for All bill that provides a separate super duper health care plan for government workers?

You didn’t answer my question.

Right now, federal employees are covered under private insurance, just like me and you. Should a “Medicare for all” law pass, that would no longer be true.

Nope. Because they don’t need it. Your congressman will not be switching to Medicare.They already have a super duper plan. They will not be giving that up.

There is zero chance that congress is going to vote to put themselves on the same plan as us. Zero. Betcha 20 bucks, they will exempt themselves. They always do.

They have private insurance plans. Are you saying there are going to be private insurance plans still around along with Medicare for All that non-government workers won’t be able to purchase on the individual market? Such a Medicare for All bill would specifically have to have such language. Can you point to a bill with such language?

Otherwise, it’s a complete fabrication.

Congress doesnt have a “super duper” health plan. My health insurance is better than what Congress has.

Could not Agree MORE…I will say we may not agree on Trump…but seriously…If I am going to have to have a Government run and funded heath plan…I want the same one that Indiana Senator Mike Braun gets. He’s my Senator…and he’s no better than I am. I want what he has…or I want to keep my own insurance. I am with you 100% on this.

So your point is that congress and federal workers actually will be giving up their current plan and switching to Medicare? They will have the exact same plan as us. Zero differences? I would love to hear one of the candidates pledge to do this. So far I haven’t heard any.

Wow. I bet you can’t wait to trade that for Medicare. The congressional plan is pretty sweet. Much better than most. Do you think they will give it up and switch to Medicare like you and me? Or will they keep what they have thankyouverymuch.

It would have to depend on the proposed legislation.

The “congressional plan” is whatever plan that particular member of Congress purchases from the Obamacare exchanges. It’s really nothing special.

If they pass a single-payer form of medicare for all, yes. They wouldn’t have a choice.