Is this guy for real? Huckabee unhinged

I was curious why he thought that reasoning was a viable argument.

No need to get upset and condescending because I was curious to hear from him as to his reasoning.

Umm… you might want to re-think your analogy here.

In pretty much every case involving a whistleblower, the prosecution and the whistleblower “collude”.

Airtime! And airtime equates to $$$$$$$$

Even when they claim they haven’t?

Today’s GOP.

Does anyone think the embracing of twitter has been a good thing for politicians?

Some do really good things with it.


Remember when Huckabee was a serious politician?

Can’t stop the Crazy Train, might as well hop aboard.

I don’t watch any FOX garbage, but I’m pretty sure some of you do. YOU TELL ME.


yes. with a sense of humor. and a good one

Even when conservatives confess to crimes, they are victims and were forgiven by god.

I was asking, Steel-Wolfe, who claimed Schiff colluded with the WB, to provide evidence of such.

We’re just gonna have to wait for politicians to grow out of this phase, I guess.

If you actually watched Sean Hannity’s show you know this was a joke :roll_eyes: and our gracious host and Huckabee had a good laugh about it.

Its not the first time folks have floated the idea of Trump getting a 3rd term based on the investigations.

Huckabee and Hannity might laugh, but there are plenty of others who are serious.

I think Trump should invoke the 14th amendment against many democrats… It is about those aiding and participating in rebellions and traitor activities… Things like running guns to cartels, funding terrorists and arming them. They lose the right to vote and hold political office.

Imagine Biden when hes told arming isis, arming cartels, selling out america for money. It would take 2/3 the senate to give his rights back.

Indeed there is, they are called humorless leftists and crooked politicians. :roll_eyes: There are shameless Dem pols still spouting the Hillary email joke Trump made on the campaign as a basis for the Russia crap they spew, good grief I can’t say it enough "what the hell is wrong with these people"!! Whatever it is it they need to get over it, take a pill or something!

This isn’t Trump’s first time mulling over the possibility of serving more than two terms. The president retweeted Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr.'s tweet last month that “Trump should have 2 yrs added to his 1st term as pay back for time stolen by this corrupt coup,” based on the notion that extra years should be added to his presidency to make up for the time the special counsel Robert Mueller spent on the Russia investigation.

Good ol Jerry Falwall. Neither a leftist nor a politician.

I’ma go ahead and wager an acorn that Falwell and Huckabee talk to each other.