Is this Biden's vision of "light, not darkness"?

You have never done that once in the entire 8 years I have been a member here. Literally never, it’s always the same old “drip,drip,drip…just you wait”

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Not triggered. Kinda amused at your changing rules.
Fort worth unrest ended may 31st so they are good. Baltimore ended June 3rd so they are bad.

DC is not a real city despite 560,000 people living there and working for private sector out of 700,000
(Not even including the 6 mil that live in the DC area, majority working for private sector).

Crime is mayor’s issue, unless it’s under control and has a republican Govonor, then it’s thanks to them. If crime is bad it’s def the mayor, unless it’s FL or TX, then its Bidens fault, somehow…

I totally agree

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And that is how you denounce piece of ■■■■ white supremacists

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Do you really really honestly and truly believe that riots in Seattle, Portland, etc, are to be brought under control by ANYONE in DC? Last I heard, police departments and their chiefs are directed by a cities Mayor. Am I wrong on this? Is this just a con talking point? The federal government has jurisdiction on federal property. That’s why Donald Trump sent federal officers to cities like Portland to protect federal property. In reality, the city police should be first responders in securing federal properties because it isn’t in a cities best interest to allow a federal courthouse to be burned to the ground, especially when that courthouse is in the middle of the city. The local, state and federal officers COOPERATE with each other because ENFORCING THE LAW IS SOMETHING THEY ARE ALL SUPPOSED TO DO!!

Do you remember what happened when Trump sent those federal officers to Portland? Do you remember what Lib JACKASS Lori Lightfoots response was to Trump wanting to send officers to Chicago?

Apparently you don’t seem to understand the difference between the various functions of Government at Federal, state and local levels. You don’t understand who makes the policies at each level and those whose job it is to enforce the enacted policies.

You also don’t seem to understand that even when policy is set at the Federal level, that governors often tell the Federal Government to pound sand. The fact is that the 50 Governors of the states have more control over what happens in their state than the federal government. By the same line of reasoning, the mayor’s have more control over what happens in their city than their governor.

Schools used to teach these things, but I guess global warming, political correctness and tolerance, the normalcy of perversions and the wonderful fairness of socialism and communism are much more important.

Now repeat after me: TRUMPS FAULT!!!

You don’t know much about the group you’ve been defending for the last 2 years?

Not rules, factors.

DC private sector jobs are completely dependent on government. Are you discounting city government? If you are, that’s a mistake.

I agree. Biden’s thought processes are not functioning normally.

I’d like to see Biden saying any such thing.

If BLM and AntiFa protests are “mostly peaceful”, I guess that makes Qanon “almost completely peaceful”.

are you under the impression that DC local goverment is bigger then most cities goverments? Its actually smaller.

And no -you are just 100% wrong.
Microsoft and Amazon are some of the biggest private sector jobs. NOT dependent on goverment.
over 75% of ALL internet traffic passes thru Ashburn Data centers (A subarb of DC).

You are just 100% mistaken about what DC looks like. YES- of course -there are lots of people that work for federal jobs - We are the capital.

BUT - that doesnt mean its not a full blown city with actual Americans who work for private sector all over.

You obviously arent listening. He has said it non stop.

Im confused -Werent you JUST saying that somehow Biden is responsbile?

In truth “Riot is the voice of the unheard”, MLK
The riots are happening because people that have felt margilzied are seeing issues and feel they have no voice. That no one is listening to them.

It was the same reason the Tea Party had all those rallies from 2009 to 2016 about the deficit, but are now quiet despite the deficit being even higher. They stopped not because the issues went away, but because they now feel they are being listened to.

This is not
about power, show of force, or calling out the National guard. This is about people feeling they dont have a voice. The riots are happening because they feel they are being ignored. That the only way they can get attention is to take to the streets. So when the RNC and Trump calls them “Thugs” and try to argue that they deserve to be shot because they were walking back to the car, or becasue they told the cop they were clostaphobic so they deserve to be killed, or when people say a ex cop folowing and shooting a jogger is justifable, or that people screaming “Jews will not replace us” are fine people -When the President and other leaders dismiss those concerns, minimize it, or are silent about them -OR blame the victims themself, the people feel unheard and take to the streets out of anger, fustration, etc.

It doesnt make it right, but that is why its happening…

So yes -It is worse when Trump and the RNC is in charge and simply respond with threats and name calling.

and Yes -When Biden wins and he brings them to the table, it will stop - even before a single policy changes. Because they will be heard…

To be clear, I am personally uncomfortable with Manichean, dualist framing, esp. the kind that plays into the worst excesses of the European project’s self-delusion.

So clever!

DC is an invested swamp full of leeches living off of tax dollars or the crumbs of same that drop off the polpigs’ snouts.

Then a clip should be an easy day for you.

DC is not a cartoon character.
It’s a real city. With real people. A majority who don’t work for the Fed or local government.
They work all sorts of jobs. There are schools, and busniesses, we eve. Have sports teams.
This idea of DC you have, for the record, is from people You send here. You elect them from other parts of the country and send them here and they bring their own people.

But that is still a minority of people here.
We are real people. I was born in DC general and raised in the city. Neither me, nor my folks work for the Fed
I did for a few years work on the hill. But that would be 2 out of 25 years of my work life.
My mom taught a public school. My dad was a CPA. I work technology.
None of us worked for any government.

Like I said, a real city. We even have some great local restaurants! You should come see it for real one day

You want a clip of Biden saying racism is bad??

It’s a ■■■■ hole.