Is there ANYTHING that Biden can't screw up?

No- you should read your own links.

There was no evidence of any yellowcake dating from after 1991, the official said.

nothing, did i say it did?

it did do one thing however, one thing it was meant to do. bring aq to iraq where we could kill them easier.

None of it was suitable for an ACTIVE program…nor would it have been suitable for some time.

Cracked, oozing shells and abandoned equipment from the 1990s is NOT what Bush said we would find there.

But I get it- doubling and tripling down is what you do.

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how much was he allowed to keep from before that?

I remember well on this very forum, the caches of chemical weapons found that turned out to be roach spray.


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Trump was the only President to eschew a shooting war.

Biden already dumped 80 billion of merch in a hot theatre.

Please give credit where credit is actually due.

Lol, no. That was purely incidental. The Bush admin didn’t anticipate insurgents pouring across Iraq’s borders when we disbanded Saddam’s army. It’s literally why we had the troop surges.

To quote a post from earlier:

It’s not truth if it can’t be proven.

Well, they did find some mustard gas, but that’s not what the Bush regime said was there. Remember “smoking gun in the form of a mushroom cloud”?

Yeah, and that is the thing, Biden and Trump were totally on the same page here. Trump could have seen this as a validation for his own foreign policy stances. And yet he couldn’t resist just sniping from the sideline.

And of course all of his attack dogs on Fox etc. followed suit.

No one is saying that our withdrawal was spotless, it was messy as all hell. But we got 140,000 people out in a matter of weeks as the country was crumbling around them. I am glad we are gone, I am glad Biden stuck to the timeline and I am glad that Trump signed the deal last year.

No… we want to see the proof you have to back up this statement.

that is patently false. it was intended

Lol, of course it isn’t false, otherwise we wouldn’t have needed to do a troop surge and people would have blamed Bush, and not Obama, for creating ISIS.

If it were true, then Bush has a lot more blood on his hands than originally thought.

complete ■■■■■■■■■ aq in iraq was defeated and obama was handed a clear victory which he screwed up just like biden did afghanistan

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What is this revisionist nonsense you’re just making up right now? Super awkward.

Interesting that you brought that up, because Obama withdrew based on the agreement GW Bush signed the year before he left office. And then Obama was roundly criticized for honoring that agreement as well. From the Right Wing media.

Almost exactly like what we are seeing with Biden. Good catch, Ben.

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MUST IGNORE TRUMP!!! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

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There are tons of Trump threads already. Why do you want to change every Biden thread to a Trump thread? Can we talk about Biden for a while since he’s president? Do we have your permission?

Like has been pointed out by numerous posters, this sudden newfound concern from the MAGA zealots about the accountability of a President is laughable and transparent.

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Nobody care how you judge me. I mean literally NO-BODY. Well maybe a few wingnuts whose only life is this forum. But that’s about it.

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