Is there anyone who does not support term limits?

I can’t argue with that. A side note: Due to recent changes he’s now one of my senators . I might see him next election cycle.

I suggest voting against. Where are you?

I don’t really like the 22nd Amendment, but I am not really sure I want that Amendment repealed.
I am definitely against any Amendment that will put term limits on Congress and Senators.

I know, it’s a rock and a hard place deal. Usually because they abused their privilege.

Imagine if we had pols so honorable they could self-regulate. Wouldn’t that be something?

I’ll see what he does this term.

I already know I don’t need to like the guy. Also, he’ll be a second-termer and getting into a better position to ‘help’ Utah. :smile:

Good luck. Sincerely.

Maybe we can lure Chaffetz out of his day job.

I sort of like him, admitting I don’t know a lot about him.

He’s becoming a TV personality so he’s got that going for him. He’ll get more air time than Mitt. He just won’t have to be responsible for his positions.

I’ve liked him a lot in the past, and disagreed completely other times.

If we reigned in the executive branch’s extra powers that it has accumulated since the civil war I would support removing term limits for the president.

As it stands now, definitely not.

Term limits on the President came about as a result of abuse well after the civil war.

The usurpation of abdicated power is an interesting topic. Justice Thomas is a voice in the wilderness.

We have the government we deserve.

FDR. The closest thing this country has ever had to a dictator.

Ultimately most of this is congress’ fault. They have been cowards for the last 100 years, caving in to the executive branch at every opportunity.

We are proving Franklin right when he said “A republic, if you can keep it.”

We are throwing it away.

Until now, right? :wink:

I’m a cynic. I don’t see the situation ever improving.

The executive branch will continue to amass power from administration to administration until one day we end up with a guy (or gal) who realizes that the republic is so far gone that they can just seize power with the blessing of an apathetic populace.

And then…REVOLUTION!!! Finally.

IMO, with the implementation of term limits, the party is more in charge than the politician.

The term will come to an end, so you always have to be looking out what’s best for your future within the party and not necessarily responding to the electorate. Throw in Gerrymandering that occurred in 2011 and you have a recipe for ignoring the voters in favor of the donors.

We also have the issue of politician going to work for lobbyists immediately after leaving the Senate/House after passing legislation that benefited those lobbyists.

Also, IMO, the solutions is to repeal the Apportionment Act of 1929 that set the number of representatives at 435. The larger number of people in the house would each represent their smaller communities better.

lobbyist are more of a problem that the politicians…

What are you referring to here?

But real time savers when it comes to ‘ready-to-submit’ legislation.