Is there a reason to keep The Department of Education?

We’re approaching the point of no return on the debt. I know libs will say it’s all the republican’s fault. Stupid argument. When talking about the two parties the only discussion is who sucks less. A discussion not even worth having. If you’re happy with how either party has handled the debt, then you’re a fool. Back to the DEA. You were not educated by them. Neither was your spouse, parents or children. It’s seems to be nothing but a massive black hole sucking in cash. Are we getting out money’s worth? We have to start somewhere. And for decades we have started nowhere. Time to dump them?

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No…No reason at all.


Nor the other NEA, for that matter.



I have the reason. Republicans are terrified to put it on the table.

Due time we can bring it up under right circumstances. :wink:

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The Republicans won’t roll back any Democrat lawlessness. They can’t even (because of secret Democrats) long resist new ones.

They could have 66% of both houses and the WH and would still be useless, heck they could have 90% and we would still get fund raising letters saying how they need more.

Democrats are evil, Republicans and worthless and we are screwed…

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Dark Helmet had it right in Spaceballs -

“Evil will always triumph because Good is dumb.”

As it currently exists? No. It needs to be deeply reformed. But then again that’s the entire US government.

Evil can be dumb too.

Hitler lost WWII with the best trained army in the world.

I doubt it. We’ve had the right circumstances many times over the past 30 or 40 years and NOTHING.

Hitler started the war years before Germany was ready, a decade more for Italy. It was the early political incompetence of the of the allies that gave him the chances he had. Really, his cause was doomed from the start.

And then there’s the socialist aspects that would’ve ended him domestically had he not access to the wealth of the conquered to hide the cost from Germans … for a time.

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Yes. Needs to be reformed likely. But yes.

Having a governing body overseeing education standards across the US is beneficial to our GDP, Military and Innovation.

Why reform a totally unnecessary department? Eliminated it. That’s the only we will see any savings. We’re in desperate times. It would make no sense to cut S.S. while funding the DEA. Which is more important?

Hey, they didn’t do nothing! They sent out fund raising letters talking about how they would if they could…

Yeah. As if they haven’t had many opportunities over the past 40 years.

I agree…

But they didn’t have a sure thing, then it would’ve been a super majority, then it would have been something else…

Well, the OP question is whether there is a reason to keep the Dept of Edu.

There’s not.

All the other discussion so far is just rathole.


I’m not making any single excuse for them. When they had the house and senate all several times, they could have removed funding instead of increasing it. It’s like when Jordan and Comer went on for years about impeaching Biden. Another bait and switch.