Is the Pride flag a symbol cultural imperialism and religious intolerance?

Do they? Where does this right come from? When you choose to identify yourself by who or what you choose to rub up against to get your jollies, maybe the closet in a good place?

How about voyeurs? How about all the other perversions?

Where is my flag and my month?

Did you know this is Men’s Mental Health Month?

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Mhm not with violence. Just with appearances

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So just by protesting, displaying there disagreement can be threatening?


Appeances is violences


even thou no property was destroyed, no one was hurt, no bricks thrown at cops etc.

Interesting theory libs have. :wink:


Marcuse's world

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“I believe I can fly…” – R. Kelly

Back in the day Fauci and company didn’t stop poofters from giving blood till after that kid got HIV from a transfusion and they could trot him out to say GRID wasn’t just a gay disease.


Bull ■■■■■ Your “pride” flag is a symbol of intolerance to anyone who disagrees with their unnatural lifestyle choice or presents a different point of view. They are in effect segregationists who discriminate against heterosexuals.
The Battle Flag of the Confederacy represented a time in US history when Southern Agricultural States resisting of the US Federal Government’s stomping of said States rights with respect to property. The slave property laws were enacted in these states, it was not the Federal Government’s place to supersede these legislated laws. Northern abolitionist political pressures forced seven Southern States to secede. But you knew all of this it was covered extensively during your revisionist history lessons. Am I right?
The C

No matter what some backing the Fakeriarchy may think they are kidding themselves if they imagine the most extreme, nastiest, craziest and most perverted wing of the letter madness crowd will not be calling the shots for them.

The Fakeriarchy: gonna mutilate kids in the name of their pride. Any who escape the horror of abortion if they could manage it, all for their validation.

But, you know, slavery (which was bad) was the worse thing ever.

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True, condemning a child into adulthood of a life of physical and psychological hell could never be bad.
Think they’ll ever admit their alphabet perversions contribute to suicides?

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it was. full picture


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Didn’t happen. The American flag was flying on top of the white house.


Would you be fine with a Joe Camel banner in the same position?

Do we need government promotion of smokers’ pride programs including those in elementary schools?

There is good evidence that nicotine addiction has a large genetic component–smokers are born that way. Is a failure to embrace and promote smokers’ pride is a form of bigotry from tobaccophobes.


The actual game was about 10% less in attendance than the prior year at the same time but the honoring was done prior to the game. When the honoring was being done, those are the two pictures I provided. Those protesting were more in number outside the stadium than those in the stands honoring…and that was my point.

And just because someone was in the stands at the time doesn’t mean they were there to honor the recipients. The sparse crowd offered a mixture of applause and jeers. Some people just wanted to be there to have a hot dog and a beer before the game, not to watch the degenerates abuse Catholic symbols.


No your original point Was profit. Go woke or go broke… And it was 10 percent higher attendance than average….

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I look at all of it and my friend…once again I understand that biz is not your strength but the Dodgers have hurt their bottom line, not helped it.

You understand the biz of baseball. An hour before the first pitch.


Thanks @WuWei for pointing out when it was done.

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Shouldn’t be there at all.