Is the much-hyped "sonic weapon" just crickets and mass hysteria?

Yes, if they have actual proof of an attack, they need to make it public.

The analysis that confirmed that the crickets were responsible for the sounds recorded in Havana came from government’s own declassified report.

The government doesn’t make something public just because we think they should.

From the article:

While the declassified report suggests a cause for the noise, it does not purport to explain the other troubling symptoms.

Despite increased attention in the years that followed, no conclusive explanation has emerged as of October 2021.

If the CIA really thinks that sonic attacks are occurring, they should have microphones and recording devices running 24/7 in US embassies another locations where the attacks allegedly occurred.

The government’s own research showed that the sounds recorded in Havana were consistent with local crickets. There is zero evidence of a sonic attack.

Yes, psychogenic illness is a hypothesis. This hypothesis is entirely consistent with the information that has been publicly released.

The real question is why is the media ignoring psychogenic illness as a likely explanation for the Havana syndrome?

As Dr. Bartholomew says: If you hear hoofbeats, horses are a much better working assumption for the source than unicorns.

How do you know that they aren’t? The cold war didn’t stop just because they stopped referring to it as such. I believe that the spy game we and our enemies play is alive and well. And nobody is going to tell us common folks ■■■■ about it. During the Reagan years I was involved in engineering equipment used in the “star wars” projects. And like government projects we were on a need to know routine and a very short security leash. There will be a lot of speculation and even false leaked reports. But I can assure you that you nor I will ever know what the real story is. And I believe that this is a good thing.