Is the mainstream media reporting that Robert Mueller is himself under four separate criminal investigations?

Tell me something I don’t know.

Yeah… one of them.

When I see my Trump supporting cousins posting stuff on Facebook by William Cooper, I just see the unsinkable rubber ducks of nonsense bubbling to the surface yet again.

Wow are you watching me? Just getting ready to whip up some scrambled eggs with salsa. You save time if you just scramble them in the pan. No need for the cup or bowl. Work smarter not harder. Note, no grease yuck. Use butter. Yum

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I haven’t the time.


Not according to the posting

No, mainstream media likes to report on factual things that are actually happening. That is why they aren’t reporting on the wholly invented fantasy of “Muller under 4 criminal investigations”.

Man, a little discernment and discretion in your media diets wouldn’t kill some of you.


.[quote=“hwyflier, post:89, topic:123730, full:true”]
Blasphemy. You need to pre mix in a bowl with a dab of whole milk.

I never understood that

Nah I think only posts that threaten the reality of easily triggered Trumpkins get flagged. They need their safe place while they stroke their support bunnies telling themselves any day now Trump will be made Supreme ruler and will lock up Hillary build his wall and all real media folks as well as Democrats will be put against the wall.

Pure fantasy.

And it’s still the shortest investigation by a special prosecutor since special prosecutors began being appointed after Watergate.

All the other ones went on far longer.

And degrees of parsing. Which is ■■■■■■■■■

Sure is hard to scroll when half the thread is being deleted. lol

Thanks for the breakdown. Concise and thoughtful as usual.

You can add in this:

Did Robert Mueller lift sanctions on Rusal and En+? Nope that would be Donald Trump…just about an hour or so ago.

What’s with all the innocuous posts being flagged in this thread?

I guess scrambled eggs are off limits.

I think that a stronger case against the Mueller team comes from many court rulings that clearly show a pattern of misconduct. A prime example is lead prosecutor Andrew Weissmann, who has seen multiple convictions overturned on appeal. Courts have repeatedly called him out for distortion and withholding of evidence.

For details see:

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Off topic?

"Huff was charged Tuesday with possession of a 9 mm handgun without a permit and having a small amount of marijuana after he was pulled over for speeding on the New Jersey side of the Walt Whitman bridge.

Huff was also cited for driving while intoxicated by the officer. His attorney, Fortunato Perri Jr., said Huff is licensed to carry in Texas and the gun was not loaded when he was stopped Tuesday morning."

“The Philadelphia Eagles released wide receiver Josh Huff Thursday, two days after he was arrested and charged with carrying a 9mm gun without a permit, a magazine containing six hollow point bullets and a small amount of marijuana, the team announced Thursday morning.” By Geoffrey C. Arnold

The Oregonian/OregonLive

No AK 47. No Hundreds of rounds of ammunition. You sound like one of CNN reliable sources.

Every day I thank the lord for not being as gullible as this.