Is the leaking of Biden soiling himself hitting below the belt?

What’s the obsession the right has with bathroom business ?

At least they tend to have more apparent
empathy than Dem Nadler with AG Barr…

I don’t think that’s what “let’s go Brandon” means…

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Defend it lib!

One year in the bank.


10 months.


I don’t blame Jbiden, I blame the people who run him and voted for him.


Ever heard of rounding.


he is, won’t be 10 months for another 20 days


Just as I blamed the people who voted trump over hillary.


I have. Biden’s good at it. He rounded 3.5 trillion dollars to the nearest quintillion dollars for the price of his Build Back Better Plan.

Yes, old Slave-State Joe still has nostalgia for his time working with his fellow segregationist Democrats from the era of George Wallace.

Now Democrats and their media allies are claiming that any criticism of Biden is racism or terrorism.

From the linked article:

I know we joke often about this, but this is the actual rumor going around Rome now.

A rumor is not a fact. During the Trump years if someone posted a article with a rumor or from a un-named source most of the time the poster got blasted. This thing stinks (yes pun intended) of a political hit job. Nothing more.

Guess that explains this:

download (34)


Or this.

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Sometimes old people poop their pants. I’m sure this forum has some diaper-wearers. :man_shrugging:

Actually the movie will be called “Weekend at Biden’s.” I have Buttigieg as one of the main characters. Not sure yet who will be the other?

Did he poop or not, we need to get to the bottom of this.

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