Is the College bubble bursting?

The current 4-year high school/4-year college model is flawed in many ways as has been discusssed in previuos threads including this one:

So it would be a good thing to see things there to be shaken up:

When the survey asked employers if they were “more or less likely to consider a job-seeker with a 4-year degree from a major university or college,” employers were four times more likely to answer in the negative (41 percent) than in the affirmative (10 percent), while an additional 42 percent said it made no difference. Amazingly, almost 20 times as many employers were said they were “strongly” less likely to hire the applicant with a college degree than “strongly” more likely.

Why? One respondent complained that college graduates “typically have an incompatible ideology with my business culture.” College students indoctrinated in “intersectionality” and “critical gender studies” who are trained to spot “microaggressions” in every mundane interaction do not, it seems, make for sought-after employees.

The “woke” ideological orthodoxy on campus isn’t doing students any favors. Colleges were once regarded as places where students critically assessed a wide variety of viewpoints, but employers no longer see them that way. When asked whether colleges are “fostering free speech and debate, thereby graduating students capable of debating ideas and using critical thinking,” a whopping 97 percent disagreed.


There is one critical, pathetic, difference, however. The people in “traditional” re-education camps are prisoners, forced to stay in camp until they truly believe the garbage being forced into their brains.

Our students aren’t prisoners, they are not forced into these things. Moreover, students are actually paying for these camps, going into perpetual debt for the “privilege” of learning about their alleged white privilege. It’s very sad, but it’s hard to argue with the facts here.

Marx would be overjoyed.

Why were students required to watch political propaganda to maintain an athletic scholarship? So far, OU isn’t saying. But the obvious answer is the requirement never should have been imposed—and Oklahomans should not have their tax dollars used for political reeducation efforts by left-wing cranks.

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I’d love to see employers institute something like a personality and aptitude test for certain positions. Just because you have a degree, doesn’t mean you have more intelligence than a person who doesn’t have a degree. Plus, despite a degree, there is always on the job training that takes place.


If someone had pronouns on their resume or came to the interview with blue or green hair, they’d automatically be a no-go for hiring. I can’t have that type of attention seeking or endless drama on my team in a serious work environment.


I’m really hoping you’re not involved in any way in any hiring process. Hair color? Would you check if someone dyes their hair blond? Or or to not have their hair gray?

Gray or purple.

Glad to see you are focused on hiring the most qualified to do the job. Do you consider someone with a tattoo attention seeking? As another poster said what about someone who dies their hair red or blonde? Or is it only certain colors you make assumptions about.

Let me guess you also think younger people are lazy and have no work ethic :roll_eyes:

Yes. Yes it is.

cage yes

I’d love to see an IQ test. A good one.


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Did you not read the post?

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DeFund Universities

Face tattoos, etc are most definitely attention whoring.

Young people have the ethics fmgiven them by their single mothers and your garbage society.


Public funds? Yes.

But there is a need for good universities. No need to throw the clump of cells out with the bathwater.

The problem isn’t the students.

Stupid responses obviously don’t understand the problem.


This is an amazingly myopic analysis but totally makes sense.

You guys should never change and think all jobs and interviews as always being the same

The attention seekers have spoken.

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It’s an interview. It’s quite literally an attention seeking moment.

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I interviewed a young man last week. T-shirt and backwards ball cap. Kept calling me “Boss” every three words.

I could get past the nexk tattoos…

Wrong type of attention. Class dismissed.