Is the bottom dropping out of Biden's polling numbers?

LANDSLIDE!!! :crazy_face:

Betfair is the only odds to go by.

Biden still the favorite

Biden 1.99
Trump 2.04


Peer to peer betting.


Yes. Not for long at any one time. Itā€™s like watching an ulcer form.

The ONE.

The ONLY significant way people can strike back at the lockdowns is by voting for Trump.

They will.

Trump polling sweet spot is 2 to 4 points down.

He is good.


Carter was economy kryptonite.

Trump has market at new record level without much of it re-opening.

Carter is a nicer fellow. I donā€™t think he is a kinder fellow.


If? :sunglasses:

Carter was a good person but a rotten arsed Prez. I have him tied with Obama as the worst of my lifetime.

Iā€™ve been around since Eisenhower.

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I thought that exact same thing when the triggers went off over a simple statement. :wink:

I have Trump tied with Trump as the worst President in my lifetime.


Replying to a post about the gambling odds of the current presidential race with gambling odds of the most recent presidential race is triggers going off? Interesting take. Let me guess, this reply is also triggers going off.

I understand your frustrations.

Do tell. What are my frustrations and what about them do you understand?

I can save you the effort as Iā€™m neither frustrated nor triggered. I am amused.

Trump is in a position in which either an unprecedented change in the national electorate or an unconstitutional event would need to occur for him to be re-elected. Watching his supporters try to spin historically awful polling numbers and introduce metrics such as betting odds as reason for hope is as I said, amusing. People can project all they want. If someone wants to believe Iā€™m triggered or frustrated because it makes them feel better, no big deal. Even more amusing.

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The troll president can only troll so long before most people tired of it.

Thatā€™s an odd part of that post to concentrate on

Awesome. Carry on.


New polls came out today. The new RCP average is Biden +7.2
All of these polls are after the RNC Convention. So it does not appear that Trump got any significant bump.
One month ago it was Biden +7.4. So he is holding pretty consistent.

But if you unskew all of the betting sites, Trump is winning!


But those polls were taken before the Blacks for Trump movement started.

Only in thatā€¦it wasnā€™t necessary. :sunglasses: