Is the bottom dropping out of Biden's polling numbers?

Since these 6 mayors seem to be the “oh yeah, we’ll look who we got!” meme of the moment, I guess Trump has this election locked up. There’s no hope.

Biden never really had those numbers except through carefully crafted polling and media narratives. And in the pipe dreams of dems and libs and TDS-ers.

They’ll still hold onto those dreams – perhaps even after the election is done.

Criminal masterminds, the whole half dozen of them, no doubt. :laughing:

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6 mayors of small towns in a county that went 52% - 40% for Hillary is not super-concerning.

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Seems like they know something we don’t. :wink: :wink: :wink: Genius.

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And you gotta love the likes of DLemon. The rioting isn’t good for the polling. Nothing about the damage property and lives and destroyed businesses and the crapification of Dem cities. No, that’s not the problem. It’s just about the polling, and Biden’s chances in the election.

Scum media. Lemon is a great example of it.

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Oh, it’s Trump in a 57 state sweep :wink:

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I don’t think the bottom can drop out of either Trump’s or Biden’s base.
Actually, they should be called the pro Trump base and the anti Trump base. How many could be actually a dedicated Biden supporter?
They are both set bases and a large part of the electorate. The ones who don’t know whether they are pro or anti Trump must be quite small by now.
What we really have is the enthusiasm of the Trump supporters vs the enthusiasm of the Trump haters.

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And the anti-Trumpness is a product of rich media moguls directing their agencies to report only negatively on Trump, and to ignore any positive stories about him 24/7/52. As you say, Biden’s suppport is not coming from any positive trust in Biden, but from irrational fear of Trump based on false MSM narratives.

People who are anti-Trump see him on TV everyday. They don’t need anyone to tell them what to think about him. They see it with their own eyes!

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Narratives? Let me clue you. Where we get our fear of Trump is that we listen to what he says. It’s really that simple.


Best President since Reagan. Easy to see.


Yeah I’m sure Reagan would do something like tell people to break the law and vote for him twice.
Perhaps one day you will realize what a idiot Trump is.

More like worst President since Carter. In fact Carter is 100 times the person Trump is, so based on that alone Carter better than Trump!!!

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What am I concerned about? Odds Shark betting lines?

The projection occurring in this thread and those similar is fascinating.

They just need someone to cherry pick stories for them.
As do both sides, of course.

I’ve heard that all you need are some yard signs.

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You are gaslighting. CNN cannot show Trump talking without their interrupting to tell people what to think about him.

Do you even watch CNN? They pretty much keep quiet and let Trump talk his gibberish. Like today when he told his supporters to break the law and vote for him twice. Didn’t need any narration for that one.
Trump when asked what his plans were for a second term:
“But so I think, I think it would be, I think it would be very, very, I think we’d have a very, very solid, we would continue what we’re doing, we’d solidify what we’ve done, and we have other things on our plate that we want to get done,”

We really don’t need anyone to tell us what to think about the man.