Is the "American Dream" dead? Some look to greener pastures outside the US!

:+1: :smile:

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I’ve always wanted to go since I read the description of it in the first Jurassic Park book. It’s like the perfect combination of temperate jungle with beautiful beaches.

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Gambling addiction “owners” don’t actually “own” the horse. It would be more accurate to say you had “shares” in an abused animal.

Don’t ever compare yourself to an actual horseman or horsewoman.


You’ve been to a hotel there. Go inside.

I get your distaste but race horses are far from abused and treated like royalty.
People gamble on all sports.

:rofl: Who told you that?

no need for quotation marks. i actually have owned flesh and blood racehorses. did not abuse them in any way. and retired them to a second career when they became too old, or were injured or were too slow. ethical racehorse ownership 101.


a quick trip to the Kentucky Horse park in Lexington would dispel the myth.

i will concede that some owners are not ethical but the vast majority are and actually like and cherish horses.


How many horses were injured or died at specific grounds?

Santa Anita? Churchill downs?

Yeah it’s animal abuse.

Cherishing at ownership is one thing. Racing is a whole other issue.

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hisa (the feds who control horse racing just issued a report) just released their report

horse fatalities were down in 2023.


1 is far too many. For something that isn’t a necessity and is work a horse shouldn’t be doing.

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Last person I knew who said that in younger years was John McAfee.


For the majority of younger people it’s dead, if the current housing market and inflation is the new normal.

Horses have karma too. Even horses take pride in winning. Like all creatures they chose to do it.

Jimmy Buffett would advise sunscreen.

horses are born to run. what is not natural is running in circles.

horse racing is good. we just disagree.


I’ll bet. lol

"We killed fewer horse to get our gambling fix. Yeah us!

virtue cookie monster

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Horse racing is animal cruelty to feed a gambling addiction.