Is school choice a civil-rights issue?

How does school choice help inner city kids who can’t read at their appropriate grade level?

In the other thread I have on the NJ Schools Desegregation Lawsuit the plaintiffs representing the black and brown students are literally pushing for school choice!

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Let’s find out.

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No need to wait…

There are cities/states with school choice right now… how are those outcomes?

In the works. You failed. You’re out.

Vamos Mi Gente! Let’s go my People!

Get your kids educated! Teach them to read!

Right on! :fist:t4:


There is no single regulatory body monitoring microschools, which experts fear means there are no quality backstops to ensure kids are receiving an adequate education.

“Experts”. “We’re losing our monopoly! They won’t let gov control it!”

I love it! “Microschools!”

Even the queers like it!


I just love this!

The tiny schools, which have a median student body size of 16, have been described as a modern reinvention of the one-room school house, where children of varying ages receive personalized instruction from a teacher in the same room.

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