Is school choice a civil-rights issue?

“We’re fighting for school choice, which really is the civil rights [issue] of all-time in this country. Frankly, school choice is the civil rights statement of the year, of the decade and probably beyond. Because all children have to have access to quality education.”–President Trump
Trump calls school choice the civil rights issue of ‘all-time in this country’ | Fox News

At the same time Joe Biden says he will work to end the limited school choice currently exists with charter schools:

The Biden-Bernie Sanders “unity” policy platform aims a dagger at charter schools, insisting they “undermine the many extraordinary public schools in this country.”

It targets “for profit” charter schools for destruction, while strangling the rest with demands for “accountability.”
Joe Biden presidency would be a disaster for our schools: Devine

Forcing poor kids to go to failing public schools is arguably the biggest factor in perpetuating systemic racism, but Biden appears to be more concerned about placating teachers’ unions than helping kids break a cycle of poverty.

Is school choice the biggest civil rights issue of our time?

Yes, Democrats are more interested in massive donations from teachers’ unions than actually providing education for kids.

The system that Biden supports is more concerned about protecting the privileges of teachers than the civil rights of poor kids.


The biggest positive factor in a child’s successful education is not the school system, the books, the teachers, the buildings or even the other students…it’s the parents. Those parents dedicated to their children getting the best education, unfortunately…due to the irresponsible parenting of other parents, most often have to leave the public school system and go to a charter school.


Biden never stopped hating the idea of white kids growing up in a racial jungle with super predators and cockroaches.

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Yeah…BUT…he loved it when they rubbed his hairy legs during the summer…amirite? :sunglasses:


That’s the kind of post that starts it, right there.

Where do you think poor kids will go with school choice? How does this work in this school choice nirvana?

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Poor kids can go to an ugly building, with old books and all that must take place for these children to have an excellent education, is a united parental body to insure it happens. Now seriously…that doesn’t take money. It takes dedication to this goal…period.

You didn’t address school choice.

How does school choice help a poor kid?

I don’t rely on the government and neither should any child. The parents need to be the ones dedicated to helping their children get their education…otherwise…it won’t happen and it really is that simple.

By allowing a choice.

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The illusion of choice. I have a choice to buy a Ferrari, doesn’t mean have have the means to do it.

School choice is a logistical nightmare and not feasible for the people it is designed to help.

Good schools are in good neighborhoods. Good neighborhoods, especially in LA, are not really that close to bad neighborhoods. How does a single mother get their her kids from Garfield HS to Brentwood HS?

Public bus system?

Despite rumors to the country, LA and NYC are not the totality of the country nor should policy be set on what works for two cities. There are far more people who don’t live in either than do.

It is a choice, not a mandate. If it isn’t viable for a given single mother in LA, it doesn’t work. Continue with what she has. If it does for a couple in Missouri, Texas and Tennessee it does.

Why should a couple in Missouri not have a choice because that choice doesn’t work for a single mother in Los Angeles?

Sure, why not?

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School choice is targeted at lower income families. Rich people already have a choice.

School choice as currently constituted doesn’t allow a choice.

It simply doesn’t.

School choice as currently constituted is also rife with fraud.

Not against choice as a principle…just to cast it as a problem the marketplace will solve is not feasible.


Is it? Why should a poor kid be trapped in a bad school because he lives on the other side of the street?

Middle class parents won’t have the same choice?

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Not feelings.

Understanding that free markets are a powerful tool but not the end all be all for every problem.

For the same reason that “suburban moms” don’t want lower income housing in their neighborhoods.

What happens when all the kids from a bad school go to the good school? Schools aren’t elastic. There is finite space.

Why should students, whose parents don’t pay taxes for my schools, be allowed to come to my schools?