Is Roe V Wade going to be overturned?

Sure. You win.

Sooo … only during sex if you soak. :wink:

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Libs want to teach children about sex, and can’t even get that right. :rofl:


Well, we have learned that men can get pregnant.



Today’s Democrat Party Leadership is infested with Authoritarian Revolutionaries, the same kind that took over Cuba and now rule over the people with an iron fist!


Self insured health insurance plans are already looking at extending travel and lodging benefits to allow their employees to go out of state for an abortion.

Ultimately if Roe vs Wade is overturned abortions will still continue. This is an issue that will never be resolved because its impossible to reach a compromise.

I would prefer it if there was no abortions but I would also prefer it if there were no children in state care but I live in the real world and the real world is messy and far from perfect.

In England they had Covid wardens. They were hated by everyone as they really went on a power trip. You can see youtube videos of them looking through letter boxes to see how many people were in the house.

My brother was in a pub when they came in and he said everyone told them to ■■■■ off And kept drinking LOL.



A Democrat senator just proposed a bill that requires all young men to get vasectomies, only to be undone at the time of emotional maturity. I’ve got my popcorn.

It was a protest bill.

It was put forth to make a point about body autonomy

It won’t go anywhere but it is an interesting concept. The number of unwanted pregnancies would drop dramatically. Way more than banning abortion

Now there’s a claim.

You disagree?

Of course. The number of “unwanted pregnancies” is not dependent on either one.

The only point they made was to show everyone how stupid they are.

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Indeed! We now have a bunch of clowns at the helm of power, and Statesmen seem nowhere to be found.

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Politicians have always loved their sound bites, but with the advent of social media which enables pols to interact real time there are too many on both sides that want to get those retweets or likes.

There are some that engage intelligently but they wont be the ones trending.

Social media has certainly dumbed down our political process.

I want strong credible politicians on both sides discussing the issues intelligently, compromising to make government work and this era of name calling and gotchas to end. But it wont it will just continue to degenerate.

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We need a national awakening to the terms of our federal Constitution and the intentions and beliefs under which it was adopted, and that may very well begin with a majority of the members on our Supreme Court overturning Roe vs Wade which has no foundation within the four corners of our Constitution.


What makes a Supreme Court opinion legitimate is when it is in harmony with the text of our Constitution and its documented legislative intent which gives context to its text.

Congrats Oklahoma!

More to come soon!

They are hoping to criminalize all abortions, even in cases of rape, later this summer. Very exciting stuff!