Is Rhino Paul a traitor?

Paully sure doesn’t act like a Republican. Maybe he can run on the Democrat ticket.

No he’s not a traitor. He’s not a RINO either. He is a typical establishment republican. Republican to the bone. Did he belong to the conservative branch of the GOP? I don’t think so.

Did he do anything to try and stop Obama with liberal things?
What has he done for Republicans?

He lied. Saying that he wanted to overturn Obamacare. Then he refused to do it. Conservatives support small government. Ryan supports big government. Conservatives support debt reduction. Ryan does not. Conservatives support a border wall, Ryan does not. Conservatives do not support amnesty, Ryan does.

He sides with the dems on nearly every major issue. As do the rest of the establishment republicans.

WHaaaaat? Say it ain’t so? He’s leaving? They forgot to announce this on the cartoon network. :grinning:

So why is he in thee Republican party then? and why did he run as a Republican?
I guess he’s simply just part of the Republican Swamp that needs to get drained.
So yes, he is a traitor.

Why? Because the republican party is loaded with moderates and liberals. Otherwise, Obamacare would have been repealed. How many small government republicans can you name? Probably not many. Which republican has demanded debt reduction? Why is it so damned difficult to get the wall funded? The party is a mess.

Speaker Ryan and the House did end up passing a “repeal and replace” for Obamacare. It was in the Senate that a “repeal and replace” for Obamacare was not passed. The main reason why a “repeal and replace” for Obamacare was not able to pass in the Senate is because there is a bit lower percentage of Republicans in the Senate than in the House. Another reason is that there are several states with GOP Senators (such as AZ) that ended up expanding Medicaid under Obamacare.