Is Rhino Paul a traitor?

Rhino Paul will soon retire to a zoo, where he’ll live out his days as one of the last of his kind.

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They will probably pick a Trumpist and his time as speaker will be short-lived.

Do you guys not follow the news? Ryan is retiring from the House (he’s not running in November). Talk about low information voters…

Low information voters…

Um…Ryan is not running, remember?

As for the OPer…it’s getting harder and harder to tell who is Poe-ing and who isn’t anymore…

I wouldn’t get too confident in this belief my friend. The Democrats are really struggling at messaging right now. It truly does seem like their only consistent and salient point is, “hey, we aren’t Trump” which is all well and good. But as far as really bringing people out in droves to take back either Chamber, even the House, it may not be enough.

Part of the 2010 sweep of Republicans into the House, was they campaigned on a consistent message directly opposing a specific policy measure…the ACA. They used the fiscal end of the debate to their advantage, capitalizing on people’s fears coming out of the recession, and the personal pinch people were feeling in their pocketbooks.

What do the Democrats have that is similar to this for 2018?

Actually I forgot. Ryan isn’t anywhere close to the top of my list of concerns so I don’t think about him much.

Perdidochas and JayJay…check out the bold and italicized. I read sikofit’s post referencing the speaker position. Not Ryan direct. Although, the wording was a little weird.

Welp…never mind. Looks like I was the one who misread. :man_facepalming:

Yeah, I got a touch of autism and do tend to do that.

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Huh…I would have never guessed. So, what is my excuse, because I sometimes tend to as well. :man_facepalming:

Yeah, it’s barely perceptible. Most of the people who know me IRL have no clue and just think I’m a little quirky.

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Well, all that P90x does make you horny…

Nice excuse, but it doesn’t fly, IMHO. The subject of this thread is Paul Ryan’s speakership, not a generic Republican speakership.

Nice excuse, but IMHO, it doesn’t fly. I don’t care if you’re autistic. You were pretty clearly ignorant, and now you’re trying to talk it back.

Excuse? Do you honestly think I care if I was corrected over Ryan’s term? Seriously?

You are right. I was incorrect and misread. My bad.

Stay classy. :roll_eyes:

Thought you’d appreciate this tweet from Roll Call:

Yeah, that’s what he’s doing. LOL.