Is President Trump being blackmailed into abandoning fundamental objectives?

Maybe you’re finally realizing what a con man Trump is and that he was never serious about the wall or any of his other promises. And he’s just a paper tiger - empty threats apparently.

The worst things for cons was Hillary not getting elected. You would have had GOP control of Congress, those majorities would have likely grown in 2018.

I hope the two SCOTUS judges were worth it because Trump is probably damaging the GOP brand for an entire generation.

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Democrats should be happy Hillary is not president. Donald’s done more to help them and hurt the GOP than three Clintons could have accomplished.

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The OP believes that recipients of Social Security are getting “government cheese”.

The Trump supporters who are crying “He’s being blackmailed!” should wonder, what did he do that was blackmail worthy?

How does claiming that he did such a thing (and there is evidence of it) “defend” Trump?

No. I don’t believe that. Why have you stated I believe that?


You can also take those donated funds and go to a celebrity charity auction and act like a big shot and purchase yourself some goodies like a signed NFL helmet.

Is this like the time the lizard people blackmailed Roberts in the Obamacare ruling

I could. Admittedly, I knew that Manziel was a bust. I would rather have bid on something of actual value.

Tim Tebow, of all people. :rofl:

If I’m not mistaken, people covered by Medicare have paid into their Trust Fund all their lives. Medicare is far different the Medicaid which is “government cheese”.


Nope, I’m still not buying it. People whose only means of income is from the government are not paying taxes. But since your end game to compare it to Medicare, let’s approach this differently.

Since I’m assured I’ll receive more dollars from the government than I paid, I’m sure they’ll be more than happy to oblige when I call them and ask for all of my money back and tell them they need not worry about me later. That should be a great savings to the government, no? And I’d do that in a heartbeat. Throw in Social Security and I’d be ecstatic.

And sure, some people collect more than they paid. I’m also sure a lot of people don’t. What about people who die before eligibility?

Ultimately, comparing the two is laughable. Welfare is elective (I assume one has to sign up), Medicare is not. Welfare recipients see benefits immediately, Medicare payees do not, and may never.

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In a thread on the old forum, you quoted a number for “free cheese eaters” that implied Social Security recipients were included. I asked a number of times for you to clarify, but without response. Glad to hear you recognize that this comes from money paid in, and is not a handout.

Got it. So I didn’t say such a thing. I “implied” it.



Socialist governments traditionally do make a financial mess. They always run out of other people’s money.Margaret Thatcher

The numbers you stated as “free cheese eaters” required the inclusion of Social Security recipients.


Yes! …

Post a link to what you are talking about. :roll_eyes:


Since the President has accomplished most of his fundamental objectives. Probably not. Is this a Rachel Maddow theory?