Yes. Lobster industry was doing great until trump came along…
Trumps response is to blame obama then promise government cheese and then not actually give the cheese then claim victory even tho the problem is getting worse…
China virus would be a good name. if you were 12.
And Trump doesnt get to Praise China on their response, then screw up the US response, then get a excuse from all the ramifications from the effect of praising chinas response and screwing up the US response.
Come on MAN, everyone in Maine credits Trump for recently attempting to reopening the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts off the the New England coast.
Trump said former President Barack Obama’s order establishing the area and banning fishing “was deeply unfair to Maine lobstermen.”
This is all over news outlets including the Detroit News who added Trump saying:
“We want conservation and good environmental practices -that’s very important - but we also want something that’s fair to you”, speaking to the fishermen of Maine specifically.
The conversation area comprises 5,000 square miles east of Cape Cod.
Meanwhile what the press widely fails to often mention is how other countries like Canada fish there in the Monument off Maine freely to this day.
And Jezcoe can you imagine the huge # of bellies filled from the fishing industry of these waters not a USA resident?
Random -but related to this.
Was at a small get together this weekend outside.
Starting talking to this guy (His wife and my wife were freaking out when we were talking cause apperently we are extreme political opposittes)
Anyway -Hes a big Rush guy -Ted Cruz is his pick for President. Supports Trump because he loves his policies and think hes doing great things, even if he thinks the man himself is a ass.
ANYWAY -we were talking about the campign and the differnt camps and whats work and what hasnt. Him
"The biden sniffing is odd but i never really heard many people honestly call him a pedo. But I will tell you. Count me as one of the many people that 100% belived the Senile / Demenita talking point. I watched the clips, listend to Rush and Sean, saw the news and was 100% convinced he was senile and lost it. I was thining before the 1st debate that Trump would take control of this race because Biden wouldnt be able to string 2 words together. I was all in on this talking point.
But I watched the debate and then thought “He seems as mentally sharp as ever” so i watched more and realized “Anyone speaks that much that often on tap will have gaffs. But yeah -I dont like Biden, but he’s as mentally sharpe there as anyone”. He told me he no longer thinks there is anything wrong with Biden and is glad Trump stopped that talking point.
Trump opened up an area of the ocean that no one went to.
The problem that some of them had with it was that Obama did it without telling anyone it was coming up… not that there was a great fishing zone that was cut off.
What they care about more are the regulations put on fishing gear to reduce whale entanglements.
My wife and I were having this conversation last night as we filled out our Maine ballot. If your first choice is either Biden or Trump, your other ranks will almost certainly not come into play because they will be the first and second choices. The ranked choice comes into play if your first choice is a third party candidate. Since a third party candidate is most likely not to be in play, your second, third, and fourth ranks could come into play.
So for me as a Biden voter, my other ranks don’t matter. I could rank Trump second, third, fourth, etc and it will most likely never come into play because Biden is almost certain to be first or second.
Lobstermen who are coming out of the Penobscot Bay… which is the major bay that feeds into the a gulf of Maine that a lot of District 2 includes… the Blue Hill Peninsula or the Mount Desert Island area are not traveling way out into the ocean to get their lobsters.
You might might might get some fishermen out of Saco or Kittery in Southern Maine but that probably isn’t a thing either.
The reason? Their boats aren’t that big and they don’t have to go that far to get Lobsters.
If anything, the lobsters are moving northward up the Gulf of Maine because of warming oceans.
I appreciate your insight. Just seems the primary intent of Obama was conservation driven here in the Monument. Doubtful these domestic laws and orders ban fishermen of countries outside of USA. Trump seemingly was merely trying to level the playing field for our locals too.