Is Obama responsible for today's hate?

The police officer in question arrested a man for being disorderly in his own home. Yelling at a police officer is not a crime.

The charges were dropped.

The police officer was in the wrong.

If you are familiar with their 16 year plan to distroy America consider yourself informed!

Why are you quoting a bit from Dave Chapelle at me?

I think Obama bears more than a sliver of blame. He set the tone for the left which endures to this day among far too many.

The angry reaction to losing the election which persists to this day i think was set up by 8 years of Obama condesention and general nastiness toward conservatives. It strikes me that the left started looking at it as something they were just entitled to and that their reign would never end. They thought they would never again lose the WH.

Trump certainly has said some things that do not help.

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No…he was not in the wrong but when the POTUS gets involved, it really isn’t in the best interests of anyone to spur it further, when no one was physically harmed.

“Open and shut case Johnson”

Obama is divisive for this… but Trump isn’t for “Liberate Michigan” after protests.

Imagine if Obama said “Liberate Black Lives” on twitter after Ferguson?


Can you query the actual exchange on YouTube? I can’t. I believe it’s been removed. Hmmmmm…I wonder why that is? :sunglasses:

The charges had already been dropped before the President was asked about the matter by the press.

The fact that the charges were dropped should tell you something about the validity of the arrest.

Remember, this arrest was of a man in his own home for disorderly conduct.

How is that a valid arrest?

Some of the things he and others said during the Ferguson fiasco (before the truth came out) were really not helpful.

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There’s three in that one “bitter clinger” ■■■■■

  1. Opponents of homosexual marriage bigots.
  2. Pro-life is war on women
  3. republican party is anti-Hispanic
  4. Anybody who supports immigration enforcement is a racist
  5. SUVs and 72 degrees
  6. Personal insult to my legacy if black voters don’t vote for Clinton
  7. His wife got in on it too. Women who voted against Clinton “voted against their own voice”.

And then there is the whole mocking of Trump beginning the moment Trump announced.


How did the officer know it was his home? Did he show ID…or was the officer supposed to take him at his word?

There is no ID requirement in this country. Gates told him his name. So yes. And if Officer Jack Boot had done his job, he could have looked at the man’s face and pulled his picture up.

We are not required to prove who we are until arrested. What law was Gates breaking?

Agreed. Cops are not perfect. Some of them can be hotheads. Sometimes demanding respect without giving any.


Of course the officer disagrees.

But what the reports do agree is that Gates established his identity.

At that point, all Officer Crowley needs to do to diffuse the situation is thank Mr. Gates and then promptly leave his property. What Mr. Gates was or was not yelling at him is immaterial.


So does the officer ignore the neighbor’s claim that the house was broken into? What is he supposed to do with a man who is being beligerent and uncooperative?

Did you even read it? Which part is not 100 percent accurate? Your turn. Show me the money.

That is true, but Gates did show his ID anyway.

At that point, for sure the matter is over and done with no matter what Mr. Gates was yelling.

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We’re going back 10 years but I saw the footage of the officer addressing Mr. Gates but I don’t remember Mr. Gates showing any ID or being cooperative with the officer in any way?

No. But what makes Gates a suspect? He was not on the neighbors property.

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He asked. He got an answer.