Is NJ Governor the 1st of many Dems who will refuse to help paying even $100 weekly of unemployment checks?

We have a national testing plan, in fact we have national plan to deal with every aspect of this Chinese virus that Democrat controlled states and cities reject as they want to inflict as much pain as they can and blame it on Trump!


:rofl: Trump is not the head of the GOP, nor the government.

What was garbage about the Senate bill? The FBI building? I agree. No way. What else?

Did the republicans offer to do a clean bill for UE?

What do you mean “testing strategy”? How will that “get it under control”? Spend millions on a paper that says “Test!”? We are testing. In every state.

The Feds can go into deficit. Many states can not.

I agree with you actually that the dems should have accepted the extension. HOWEVER - Republicans should have started this proccess months ago and not wait until the final 2 weeks to start a negoiation.


Then congress better hurry up, hadn’t they?

Two weeks is plenty of time to have addressed the issues covered in the EOs. It was a no brainer.


I thought the EO was too generous.

UE needs to return to rates below working wages.

I am OK with this mainly because the service industry has been abused by state lockdown inconsistencies.

Then the governors need to be calling their reps.

Just because the central government can go further into debt doesn’t mean it should do so for things that have nothing to do with the virus.


He litterly is both. Ive never actually heard anyone argue that the President of the United states is not the head of the Goverment or the head of his party! That is a 1st!! (Being head is not king . But it does mean some things such as picking who runs the cabniets, writting EO’s, you know… that kind of stuff).

FBI building, Replanshing pentogon money spent on the wall, offering only $400 a month in UE.

And no - they did not offer a clean bill on UE. They offered a clean bill on a entension - which based on them waiting until the last min previously, means they simply wanted to wait until the last min again.

Testing strategy - Defense production act to produce more testing facilities and produce more testing kids (USed to handle the PPE crisis, but not testing?)./ BULK buying (What 6 states with Govonors from both parties just did recently to get companies to produce more testing) in order to lower the costs and incentivies companies from making it.
Incentivies for fast accurate turn around - Inspire labs to hire more tech and focus on turn around results faster for a bigger pay day.

Thats just off the top of my head and what other countries have done.

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The unemmployement rate has nothign to do with the virus?

I would agree with that IF it also covered health care costs for those that got health care from their employer, and now do not.

Good or bad the previous covid-19 bills passed were bi-partisan. This is how it was and will always be going forward no matter who is the GOP.

If 2 weeks was enough, 2+ months should have been MORE then enough. Yet Republicans waited.

Federal government does this all day every day. More so now than ever under Obama, even in Donnie’s heyday of yesteryear.


What would the unemployment rate be if government hadn’t shut down businesses?

We do?That is big news.
Please send me a link that outlines the national testing plan.

Anxious to see it!

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Has he?

Trump is not like any other President. He does not lead the GOP or the government.

Here’s all you need to know about the Dem bill

And the effort drew some opposition among some moderate and progressive Democrats. Progressive members, such as Washington State Rep. Pramila Jayapal, raised alarm the bill didn’t go far enough. And moderate Reps. Abigail Spanberger of Virginia, Joe Cunningham of South Carolina and Cindy Axne of Iowa said the bill went too far.

" Unfortunately, many Members of Congress — including some in my own party — have decided to use this package as an opportunity to make political statements and propose a bill that goes far beyond pandemic relief and has no chance at becoming law, further delaying the help so many need," Spanberger said.

Emphasis mine.

Good for the six states. No need for DPA on testing. Where are there test kit shortages confirmed? We’ve got testing in every podunk town in the county.

How does testing get it “under control”?


Good post.

I know.


Yes…I believe they did.

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