Is "man made" climate change only limited to the U.S.?

Lightening causes lots of fires. So too do smokers flicking butts out the window. But there’s a great point made in OP. Why is Canada this much lower?

Releasing arsonists who hours later start more fires isn’t helping.

Stating only one arsonist was arrrested for any of the big fires isn’t very reassuring. One could interpret recent events like burning buildings for months in several cities and the recent attempted murder of deputies differently than others. Combine the current crap happening with the arrests of ANY arsonists, let alone several, and it’s easy to conclude there’s some involvement there helping mother nature along.

Just like I told you about Comey and his collusion almost four years ago, where you said the same and it’s now being reported…the truth will eventually come out enough for you to see it.

Maybe Canadians are getting out there and raking their forests?


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That would have minimal effect. The problem is the underbrush. Also the US doesn’t really do “responsible” logging like other countries. We like to clear cut the entire things down

So no different than every other year. What is different though is the increasing severity of the fires

None of that is correct.

So why no intense fires in Canada? or doesnt climate change exist there? One wet year doesn’t stop fires. The tree’s are extremely dry–inside and out.

Depends on area and trees…say someone here doesn’t know much about logging.

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It is more than 1 wet year. The fact remains that Canada is not experiencing drought conditions and the western United States is

You don’t understand how that works do you? They are dry inside and out due to drought conditions

One would think this scientific data would be the end of the conversation but…

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Sooo only long term climate change effecting the US?

You would think so. It’s pretty self explanatory

No not even remotely but the entire world isn’t going to all be experiencing the same effects at the same time. That is ridiculous

Mother Nature honors the border. :roll_eyes:

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Did you even look at the drought chart? :thinking:

The climate has never not changed…


Climate change only happens in the U.S. like massive amounts of air pollution never leaves China or India.

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Nice strawmen. Nobody has ever said anything remotely close to either of that

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