Is "man made" climate change only limited to the U.S.?

It was a huge international story for months

Yeah but, nobody cares about Australia. :wink:

Look at the North America drpugjt map. Notice anything different about Canada? Essentially right along the border

The pristine forests of the Ozarks had a rough year it seems. :thinking:


The S denotes a short term drought of less than 6 months. The drought in the west in decades long in some instances. We also have had record breaking temperatures here in California for the last several months

“President Trump is a ‘climate arsonist’! Ban assault weapons!”


What are you attempting to insinuate? Are you suggesting another factor in this equation may be causing all of these fires? What could it be?

It’s good to know Mother Nature won’t cross the border illegally…amirite? :sunglasses:



Why is so much more area being burned this year than in years past? It’s not the number of fires that’s so devastating, we have them every year. it’s that the fires themselves are much more severe in scope. This is because of environmental conditions

They have arrrested a lot of people for arson. Oh and this:

A man was arrested on Sunday for intentionally setting a brush fire near Interstate 205 in Portland then, just hours after he was released, he was taken into custody again for lighting six more fires, according to Portland police.

Probably was out again in a few hours to start more fires – you know lib cities and we can’t hold non-violent offenders on bail and all.

Maybe Canada doesn’t have Atifa lighting fires up there?


Only 1 for any of the bigger fires. It also does absolutely nothing to explain why the fires are so much more severe this year. Something that everyone keeps conveniently ignoring.

Canada isn’t experiencing a drought and has much cooler temperatures

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…and yet the fires…adhere to the Canadian no entry barrier. Why is that?

ding, ding, ding, ding, ding… :sunglasses:

You’ve already been shown. Seriously, it really isn’t hard to understand.

Got any proof of you crazy conspiracy this time or is like every other deadend conspiracy where all you got is sheep noises?

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It speaks volumes that nobody is capable of addressing this point

Mismanagement of public lands and never ending lawsuits by environmentalists.
Imagine if the forest had been responsibly logged over the past 20 years. Imagine if controled burns were allowed to happen in places were logging couldn’t be done.

Another example is controlled burns.

This article explains it well

From 1999 to 2017, an average of 13,000 acres of California were subjected to controlled burns each year. In February 2020, Nature Sustainability published a report arguing that California needs to burn 20 million acres of forest in order to restore forest health.

And what does it take to burn federal land?

there will be a 5,000-page document, which no one could conceivably ever read because it’s so long and complicated, but then the project will still get put on hold for an indefinite period of time, because some special interest group filed a lawsuit.

Hello environmentalist leftist lawsuits!

Congress needs rto step up and exempt good federal land management from a lot of the regulations. Here in the west there has been a saying for years. Log it, graze it – or watch it burn.