Is Kamela Harris a bigot? Uhm, yes

honestly if she isn’t bashing Islam which she should be 24/7 even in her sleep, she should just shut up.

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The argument from denizens of Trump Nation who actually believe this seems to be that if you aren’t criticizing Islam in equal measure to your criticism of Christianity, you are a PC apologist for jihadism.

Of course, they are usually measuring their own subjective experience and what the CEC tells them.

This thread is taking whataboutism to a whole other level. Forumers now have to anticipate all whataboutist replies and address them before the whataboutist has whatabouted. What about that.


I think Kamela Harris should be locked up. She’s a disgrace as a Congressperson. She makes a mockery of the entire organization. I implore Trump to put a stop of this denigration of Governmental office.

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Is this the real Bear? If so, welcome back!!! You’ve been missed.


Do you learn anything about Islam before posting these rants?

There are any other such sites & search nets that can answer particular questions as well as search nets.

In a mosque, the two sexes are separated to acknowledge 1). That the default setting for human beings is heterosexual, and 2). The purpose of being there is to concentrate on prayer & NOT on your attractive neighbor, which, for most, is a member of the opposite sex.

Orthodox Jews separate the sexes in prayer for the same reason. In neither faith is a woman required to be at services, but they are free to attend. In O J a woman cannot even come onto the altar, nor get a confirmation ceremony like the men’s bar mitzvah. I don’t hear anyone kvetching & moaning about separation of the sexes in Orthodox Judaism.

Catholic schools may separate themselves to educate boys or girls alone. No one is complaining about that.

Why must men & women be together holding hands at all times, not have anything separate? I thought you cons were all in favor of separate locker & bathrooms for us. This is yet another Scary Brown Muslim thread with no merit.

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If this is the real bear, we’ve freaking missed you brotha!

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Had to go to England to find it?

That really negates it for you, doesn’t it.

LOL, no. I like Rueters. Much better than the ■■■■ we have. Just loving the irony.

Me either. Broadbrushing never works.