Is Kabul 2021 becoming Saigon 1975?

If he’s such an idiot, how did he beat your boy in the election? :joy:

Did he beat him in Afghanistan?

Please stop trolling.

Stay or go. What other options?


Phase 2 remove those that would fight the Taliban. Bring here and make a political group out of them … see Somalia and Omar

He didn’t.


It’s time to sink or swim for them. Short of investing more American blood there, this day was inevitable. As is the chance for the other side to have a field day with it, which is exactly what the left would be doing had Trump gotten us out of there like he promised.

All these links and nothing about why most of the ANA are leaving in droves.

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I ve already called for the impeachment of the senile old man in the White House.

He has created a national security crisis, a national health crisis and a humanitarian crisis with the way he has completely ■■■■■■ up our southern border ignoring his responsibilities as the president.

He admitted he has no Constitutional authority to infringe in private property rights but his administration is doing it anyway.

If his dumbass sons latest laptop revaluations don’t show how corrupt and compromised that trash heap family is I don’t know what it will take.

Now this.

And Trump was impeached over a fricking phone call.

The SandersAOCFacebookTwitterInstagram3rdObama term, whoever is actually running the old man in the White House who’s gotten everything wrong for 40 years the reality is Biden and company are actually doing it appears many of the things the left lied about Trump doing.

I’m just beyond disgusted. This is a clown show folks.


All of those lives lost. Each one priceless to families and loved Future generations that will now not exist.

I’d much rather see us invest in America. All of that money could have been spent here. Now poof all gone and for what?

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Yes a unique place with a rich culture leftists will soon be wanting to migrate them here.

Yes. And Joe Biden left for vacation today.

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How can anybody debase themselves by supporting this world class idiot anymore. I don’t get it.

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Like I said earlier…at some point even the lefties are going to have to admit that the election of Biden Harris was one of the biggest mistakes we ve ever made as a country.


Why now?

There’s a right way to go.

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I think they would rather be tied to a post and horse whipped than to admit they were wrong about anything.


i agree the whole way

not one bit surprised it’s this bad tho

which is…?

Orderly. Requires some negotiating. And will.


Me neither. Sadly Biden, who we all I think know is a short timer…his mental health ain’t good…

As long as he is able to continue to run this idiotic presidency the rest of us are going to be paying the price.

Part of me wonders if ole’ Joe isn’t really just the sacrificial lamb. If the hard leftists in the background of this joke of a presidency aren’t just letting Clueless Joe be the one who is remembered for doing all the stupid crap they couldn’t get away with, open borders/trillions in new spending/CRT/all the stupid decisions that are jacking up the crime rate/letting thousands of covid positive immigrants waltz across the southern border and shipping them all over the country…

In a year or two after Joe’s taken the lead and done all the things they couldn’t win an election advocating he can be disposed of…

I don’t know. That sounds like a wacky conspiracy theory but how does anyone explain a presidency that is doing the damage to this country that this clown is doing.


i wouldnt doubt this. theyll heap all the wildly leftist crap they can for him to sign and just let him take all the political heat which wont matter because he’ll be too enfeebled to matter