Is Kabul 2021 becoming Saigon 1975?

The CIA can’t force Biden to do anything. I predict Biden will stay the course and complete the withdrawal.

Pretty much my sentiment as well.

I feel the same way about the folks coming across our border.




The CIA can get rid of Biden anytime they want. All they need to do is issue a new letter saying that the Hunter Biden laptop really is authentic and Joe is compromised as a result. Their pawns in the mainstream media will immediately start the drumbeat for resignation and/or impeachment.

Former IC Officers Public Statement (

If you doubt that things can change so quickly, just look at how the lab origin for COVID suddenly went from debunked conspiracy theory to the likely scenario.

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Its 6 years to late to save Afghanistan.

Yeah, so no. Absolute nonsense.

However, we do eat babies. :roll_eyes:

Fundamentalist Islamists are very… Old Testament type people. They believe in the old ways and that punishment must be given in the same way it was given in the time of Mohammed.

But when is a society, an ancient one, able to waste so many man hours? Build an entire wall to use as an execution tool? That’s weird man. That would be like America executing people by piling gold bars on their chest.

Some people have no foundation knowledge of Mohammadanism. They should go find another fire hydrant.

I don’t think many in the west can really fathom on what is going on in their heads of a typical Sunni Wahabi jihadist, and we kind of shrug it off that people could not possibly think that way in the current time. I read a wonderful book by Lawrence Wright ‘Looming tower’. Where he writes about being on the ground during the Afghan Soviet war and watching dozens of jihadists weeping at envy not that their fallen brother was just killed during a martyrdom mission but because they weren’t picked to be martyred which is basically the whole game to them and a first class trip to the afterlife.

I think its difficult for people in the west to totally grasp that not only do people believe this but it is the whole end game in their religion. It is the biggest single act one can do with ones meaningless time on this earth is to be martyred. That’s why when people say “All religions” in a debate that’s just a cop out for a meaningful discussion that should have been taken place for decades. Only Islam is about martyrdom, not Hindu, Jains, Christians etc… were basically they are just waiting around in one form or another for the rapture.

There is little difference between Isis and the Taliban outside of the caliphate, they both subscribe to a form of Sunni Wahhabism, both believe in martyrdom, sharia law, the Hadith and the rest of the nonsense that’s about to take ahold again in Afghanistan. It’s hard not to think that one of the reasons for their rapid advance and lack of being fighting back has to do more with the populace doesn’t differ so much in their ideology as well.

The dumbest admin ever. Grand pa pres and the morons…

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First priority will be those who help NATO forces

Agreed. Biden is clueless.

In the words of Robert Gates.

Joe Biden has been “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades."

Now his wrongness is more dangerous than ever.


Just a poor excuse to keep pumping 20% of our economy into the military industrial complex. But hey, at least we’re spreading democracy (with bombs) right?

He was the president who was negotiating with the taliban.


After reading about their boy parties I am thinking maybe they need a murderous religious regime to keep them in line. Unless they are into it as well.

Canada announced it would relocate over 20,000 Afghan and their families prioritizing those who aided NATO forces during war, should Biden support a similar policy?

Immigration Minister Marco Mendicino announced on Friday that Canada will be accepting more than 20,000 Afghan refugees, including journalists, human rights activists and public servants — many of which have worked alongside Canadian officials in Afghanistan. Mendocino said this will also include family members of previously resettled interpreters.

If Biden had a brain, he would. He does not give a ■■■■■

They have a hell of a lot more right to be accepted as genuine asylum seekers than the debacle on our southern border.


Given the current situation resulting from not doing so, perhaps he was right.