By the You People liberals comments, I’d say they will Talley around Stumblin Joe till they burn all the American flags in District of Confusion.
Anifa ain’t got the gonads to do anything good
What cartoons were you watching again?
Nailed it.
A wise man once said Biden had gotten every foreign policy decision wrong for 40 years. The buffoon in the White House is apparently going for 50.
My favorite cartoon was canceled on Jan 20th, 2021…
The only who is the imbecile you people voted into office.
Its nice to have Conservative become warhawks again.
I predict that as inflation continues to skyrocket, the border continues to be a disaster, as we see places like A-Stan turn into a disaster, as we continue to see how compromised the Biden family is courtesy of drug addict Hunter, as the administration continues to violate the constitution and individual liberties, as it races to grab our individual liberties in the face of endless new strains of the virus, as schools continue to peddle critical racism theory, as this government spends trillions of dollars we don’t have, as crime rates continue to run out of control…
At some point even the folks who voted for the senile old fraud in the White House are going to admit they made a huge mistake.
Looks like Canada is sending forces to Afghanistan.
The Taliban are rapidly approaching Kabul. Will the Canadians arrive too late?
The total cost of the US portion of the war has been $2.2 trillion. Was that money well spent?
Canada isn’t going to save Kabul, they are going to extract people.
Don’t count on it. They will dig in deeper if anything.
I am not sure those who voted for the imbecile, Stumblin Joe are capable of seeing reality. Like you, I saw us heading up the south end of a horse going north.
Extracting who’s head out of who’s posterior region?
Agreed. Having said that, I’d really like to start taking care of our own country.
We have spent billions and for what?
What is the return on investment?
The military and surveillance elites have been pretending that we can impose a western-style democracy in Afghanistan while they have been destroying democracy at home.
If only the Afghans had the Dominion voting systems, everything would be better . . .
To be fair, what did Jbiden Inc promise reference A-stan?
I thought the MAGAs were against endless wars.
Yes, endless wars without any goal or endpoint do not make sense.
Interestingly, Biden is getting a lot of bad press from the left. Here is a summary from CIA-NBC:
Will the CIA force Biden to reverse course on Afghanistan?
Or is the hand-wringing just for show?
It’s a negative investment, given that the Afghans are abandoning their equipment for the Taliban to pick up. Just like the Iraqis and Isis.
All the more reason to get out, and forswear nation building. 20 years, billions of dollars, thousands of casualties.
If the Afghans aren’t willing to fight for their own country, why in the world should we continue to bear the burden?