Is Jesus narrow minded?

You’re right, I should have asked he believed a snake talked Eve into it, thus resulting in the pain.

Is that what you believe?

The Universe was created last Thursday, people.

I like the analogy Meri, but still I wonder how many make the time…

Yes. 5char.

I’m not a scientist of any kind, but there are many questions about evolution that have not ( and I don’t believe ever will) been answered.

One of the biggest is consciousness, and more specifically sentience. Evolutionists always say this is a question of biogenesis and not evolution. This is a good way for evolutionists to ignore the issue and yet without an answer to that question, evolution collapses.

Another issue I have is that nothing else evolves. Order does not evolve from chaos, it’s the other way around. Every living thing that is born, hatched or germinated, immediately upon beginning it’s life, starts to age, decay and die. Every structure made by man begins to deteriorate and crumble. Evolution defies this rule…

I couldn’t begin to ask every question about evolution, but they have been asked. Likewise, questions about a young earth, like how can light from stars or galaxies a million light years away be seen from Earth if earth is less than 10,000 years old? I can’t provide a scientific answer, but theories have been put forth by Christian scientists…

The earth is way older than 10,000 years. More like billions. That is just a fact.

The speed of light and the distances between galaxies prove it.

The Bible says serpent. Perhaps I’m splitting hairs here, but the serpent evidently didn’t crawl on it’s belly prior to tempting Eve. God cursed the serpent because of what he did. I am demonstrating by this point that the vast majority of people, no offence but you evidently included, do not read, let alone study the Bible.

The snake did not cause women pain in childbirth. The pain of child birth came about because of her sin.

Many believe that. I can’t see how we would even know about him if he didn’t reveal himself in some way. Also, why worship an indifferent God?

How does evolution collapse if we cannot naturally describe sentience? Evolution is simply a means of explaining why and how genetic populations change over time. I’m a property dualist myself. The question of sentience is only an evolutionary question in the context of genetic structures over time.

Many ‘things’ evolve. Stardust evolves into planets as gravity pulls bodies of matter together. Hurricanes evolve. Death, decay and aging is a primary component of evolution. Death and decay do not happen in a vacuum. Bodies decompose into the dirt, giving nutrients to plants, which give food to other living creatures.

And even then, evolution while commonly looked at from the macro level of speciation is really about the evolution of genes / alleles - this includes the subsets of genes within a specific taxonomy. It’s not a claim of forward progress in the normative, it’s a claim of change, agnostic of ‘good’ or ‘bad’ qualifiers except to explain why some genes persist sometimes and sometimes don’t.

A couple reasons come to mind. Creation was done in six days for starters. Another issue I have with evolution is the question of the beginning.
I’ve asked about consciousness, but I’m asking here about the beginning of us as a distinct species capable of reproducing. How and when did this happen?

The Bible says God created man and woman in his image. It makes much more sense than evolution.

If the sun wasn’t created until the 4th day, that leaves an indeterminant amount of ‘‘time’’ available for evolution to occur.
I don’t think you can dictate to god how he does creation.

All that’s needed to “reproduce” is an amino acid that is able to split, grow and attach to other amino acids. The splitting can occur via natural forces like ocean waves. One of the leading theories is that the first self replicating polymers developed in the ocean. This is much more simple than the complexities of bacteria, let alone mammals. If you have chemicals, movement and molecules that bind and split, you have an environment capable of evolution and the developmemt of RNA.

■■■■ sapien (us as a distinct species) already inherited reproductive traits from millions of years of mammalian evolution. I recommemd you look at some phylogenetic trees for a bigger picture.

Of course the word rapture is not in there. The Bible does talk of the day of wrath, being caught up in the air and other things that allude to the rapture, but it is a made up term.

Very true. There are many charlatans and many deceived. This doesn’t change the truth though. Yes, the early 1800’s brought about an intense interest in eschatology and predictions of the end, one notable being William Miller’s prediction that Christ would return in October of 1844.

At some point, and I think we’re close, Jesus is going to return. I offer this free of charge! :grin:

Glad to know it brother!

Think of all the innocent babies we have killed. The difference is, he can give them eternal life in his kingdom, which I believe he has.

It seems every generation thinks the time is close. :wink:

The thing is, we don’t have to, God dictated it to us. The sun wasn’t created until the 4th day but evening and morning, the first day was created, well, the first day.

You’re dictating to god the length of ‘‘days’’.